Saturday, August 31, 2019

How can nutrition and recovery strategies affect performance

Why is a well balance training diet essential for an athlete? A well balance training diet Is essential for an athlete. Good diet and nutrition can enhance sporting performance. Carbohydrates should form the basis of the sportsperson diet. For most athletes, a varied healthy diet will provide vitamins and minerals, as well as protein, to promote growth and repair of muscle tissues. Adequate fluid intake is essential to help performance and prevent dehydration. 55.What are the relative recommended percentage of CHOC, Fats and Protein for a. Athletes b. ) Non-athletes 56. What are the pre-performance recommendations for an athlete? A pre- performance routine Is a consistent procedure that athletes use to prepare themselves for competition. It is recommended that athletes must time their carbohydrate intake, a substantial amount of carbohydrate (200-egg) in the 2-4 hours prior the event. The carbohydrate foods most suited to pre-exercise eating are low-fat, low-fiber and low to moderate in protein; these are less likely to cause gastrointestinal upset.Liquid meal supplements (such as a protein shake) or reverberate-containing sports bars (such as Powerboat Performance Bar) can be useful for athletes who suffer from pre-event nerves or have an unpredictable pre- event timetable 57. What is a carbohydrate loading? Explain the process. Carbohydrate loading Is a strategy Involving changes to training and nutrition that can maximize muscle glycogen (carbohydrate) stores prior to endurance competition. This diet typically involves a 3-4 day ‘depletion phase' involving 3-4 days of hard training plus a low carbohydrate diet.This depletion phase was thought to be necessary to stimulate the enzyme glycogen synthesize. This was then followed immediately by a 3-4 day ‘loading phase' involving rest combined with a high carbohydrate diet. The combination of the two phases was shown to boost muscle carbohydrate stores beyond their usual resting levels. 58. Why is it though beneficial? To what types of athletes? The extra supply of carbohydrate has been demonstrated to improve endurance exercise by allowing athletes to exercise at their optimal pace for a longer time.It is estimated that carbohydrate loading can improve performance over a set distance by 2-3%. An individual who exercises continuously at a moderate o high Intensity for 90 minutes or longer Is likely to benefit from carbohydrate loading. Typically, sports such as cycling, marathon running, longer distance triathlon, cross-country skiing and endurance swimming benefit from carbohydrate loading. 59. What is recommended for an athlete to eat/drink during competition? It is recommended that a sport drink containing 30 grams of carbohydrate and 1 5 grams of protein (In 500 ml water) per hour of exercise could be taken.With multiple events back to back, a larger amount of this beverage should be consumed 1 org recommended for an athlete to eat/drink after competition? Post-workout nutri tion squires two things: protein to aid in protein synthesis and carbohydrates to replace muscle glycogen. Egg. Chicken breast (protein) with broccoli and brown rice (carbohydrates) 61 . What is meant by the term supplementation? The word â€Å"supplement† means exactly that: a nutrient or group of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, fats and oils) that are meant to supplement, but not substitute for a healthy diet that you eat on a regular basis.Nutrition supplements come in a variety of forms: pills, capsules, powders, liquids, and even in gel form. The cost of nutrition supplements can range from almost â€Å"at cost† to being outrageously expensive. 62. Are there any benefits of supplementation of vitamins, minerals, and protein to performance? The body is unable to manufacture vitamins, so diet must supply them as vitamins are essential to maintain bodily functions. Protein is responsible for the growth, repair and maintenance of body tissue the use of protein supplements is common amongst power and strength athletes such as weight-lifters, rugby league and rugby union players. 3. Are there benefits from the use of sports drinks; liquid meal supplements, calcium supplements; iron supplements? Why? The benefits of sports drinks are; Convenient, easy to consume 64. What evidence is there for against vitamins/minerals supplementation? Loss of time, effort and money. Overdoses of the fat-soluble kind are the real culprits. The results of overdoses are many. For example, an overdose of vitamin A could cause ringing in the ears, blurred vision, hair loss and a host of other effects. Excessive quantities of some vitamins and minerals can be unnecessary, expensive and potentially dangerous. 5. What evidence is there for against creating supplementation? Creating is possibly unsafe when taken with a high dosage. There is some concern that it could harm the kidney and the liver, or heart function. Creating also causes muscles to dra w water from the rest of the body and could cause dehydration. 66. What evidence is there for against caffeine supplementation? Caffeine can cause insomnia, nervousness and restlessness, stomach irritation, nausea and vomiting, increased heart rate and respiration, and other side effects.Caffeine can make sleep disorders in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) worse. Larger doses might cause headache, anxiety, agitation, chest pain, and ringing in the ears. Large goes may be unsafe and can cause irregular heartbeats and even death. 67. Explain physiological strategies for recovery strategies? Egg. Cool down and hydration. Physiological recovery strategies aim to remove the metabolic by-products of exercise through a cool down period as well as replace lost fluids and energy.Cool down: The cool down, or active recovery, is a group of lower intensity exercises performed immediately after exercise to remove waste products, decrease muscle soreness (DOOMS), improve mu scular relaxation, bring the cardiovascular system back to rest and allow time to reflect on the training or performance. This could involve short Jogging repetitions, slow swimming or similar low intensity activity. Static reduce the risk of injury. Hydration: To replenish fluid lost during training or games the athlete should consume approximately one litter of water for every kilogram of body weight lost.The addition of carbohydrates will speed up fluid replacement as well as refueling muscle glycogen stores. The foods eaten in the 30 minutes immediately after exercise should be medium to high glycerin. Sports drinks are useful because they provide fuel and fluid but should be limited to the 30 minute period following exercise. Solid foods, such as fruit, should be encouraged as they provide additional nutritional value. 68. Explain the neural recovery strategies for recovery egg. Hydrotherapy, massage. Neural recovery strategies such as hydrotherapy and massage help replenish th e nervous system.The change in chemicals found in muscles following heavy bouts of exercise or psychological stress can be addressed by these neural strategies. Hydrotherapy: Hydrotherapy involves the use of water to relax, soothe pain and assist metabolic recovery whilst providing support for movements which eliminate Jarring and straining movements. Typical hydrotherapy methods include spas, underwater massage and swimming pools (heated and non-heated). Active exercise can be incorporated into hydrotherapy sessions allowing a gravity assisted environment.Massage: The main purpose of massage is to assist in reducing training fatigue. It can also be helpful in a preventative way in reducing localized muscle tension that can with time lead to overuse injury. 69. Explain the tissue damage recovery strategies egg. Cryptography Cryptography: Cryptography, or cold therapy, is the local or general use of low temperatures to remove heat from a body part. The goal of cryptography is to decr ease pain and inflammation, promote vasoconstriction and prevent the build up of waste products.Various forms of cryptography have become popular as recovery strategies for many athletes. Examples of various forms are cryptography are ice packs and a Cryogenic chamber. 70. Explain the psychological recovery strategies, egg. Relaxation. Psychological recovery strategies aim to disengage the athlete from the performance. Heart rate, breathing and body temperature remain elevated post exercise and may take time to drop as do anxiety levels about the performance or true performances. Strategies such as relaxation assist to bring these levels to normal levels.Following intense training and demanding performances, athletes may experience symptoms of low concentration, lack of motivation and increased levels of anxiety. Psychological strategies can play an important part in emotional and possibly spiritual recovery by assisting in recovery of concentration, lifting motivation and decreasin g anxiety levels. Some psychological strategies that can be used to enhance recovery are outlined below. Debriefing – Effectively evaluating a performance can be useful way to provide emotional and psychological support after training or competition. This should focus on the process not the outcome.Debriefing allows the athlete to achieve ‘closure' with regards to a past performance and set goals for future performances. This is usually logical, rational discussion removed from the hype and the emotion of performance. Contingency planning – Simple strategies or distracted, such as mood-lifting activities, which are used in situations such as a major performance setback or traumatic event. Social support -Athletes need to build up a network of support contacts outside their athletic lives. Relaxation skills – These relax in many different ways, with some preferring to read a book, listen to music or watch television.Specialized relaxation techniques are als o widely used, including meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, visualization, breathing exercises, positive self-talk and flotation. The athlete needs to practice only one or two techniques on a regular basis for these to become effective tools to use to aid recovery. The choice of relaxation methods is quite individual and involves experimentation to establish which technique works best. Rest and sleep – Rest days are essential and a least one ay per week should be a non-training day.This allows time for physical and psychological recovery as well as time for other interests and activities. Adequate sleep (7-9 hours) is regarded as probably the most important recovery strategy as it provides regeneration and restoration of the body's systems to allow adaptation to training. Too much sleep however, can be detrimental, contributing to sluggishness and lethargy. How does the acquisition of skill affect performance? 71 . What is meant by the term ‘skill acquisition? S kill acquisition refers to the process that athletes use to learn or acquire a new skill.A skill can be defined as an act or task such as typing or drawing, or in the instance of sport, catching, throwing, and running. 72. What is meant by cognitive stage? The cognitive stage of skill acquisition is the early identification and understanding of the skill to be learned. Individuals focus on what to do, that is most of the learning activities during this stage will be in the mind, egg. Watching, thinking, analyzing, reasoning, Judging and visualizing, rather than lots of practice. During this stage the learner develops an in-depth understanding of the skill to be acquired. 73. What is meant by associative stage?The associative stage of skill acquisition really focuses on the idea of practice with the learner learning how to do it. Practice at this stage increases the learner's ability to perform the skill or task. They may not necessarily perform the skill well but have an understandi ng of how to do it. Most learners stay in this stage for a long period of time, with most not progressing to the next stage. 74. What is meant by the autonomous stage? The autonomous stage of skill acquisition revolves around executing a skill automatically without having to stop and think about what to do next or how to o it.It is an advanced level of performance where the individual can perform the skill fluently and instinctively and where outside influences do not affect the outcome. It may take individuals a long time to achieve this stage with many never reaching it. This may be due to the training demands, the complexity of the task or a lack of motivation. 75. Provide an example of how someone would progress through the stages of skill acquisition. An example of an individual progressing from the stages of skill acquisition would able to perform a certain skill without failure and loud have a skill as a second nature. 6. Describe the characteristics of a learner (personality , heredity, confidence, prior experience, ability) The learner brings many influence the capacity of the learner to acquire skills. Personality, heredity, confidence, prior experience, and ability particularly influence the direction of the learning experience. These characteristics influence the speed with which that person may acquire a skill. Personality: Refers to an individual's characteristic way of behaving and develops as a result of infinite social interactions and learning experiences throughout life.From a motor learning point of view, certain aspects of personality tend to be favorable with certain learning environments for example elite coaches tend to select athletes not only with superior physical talent but also those who possess positive learning attributes such as determination, enthusiasm and dedication. Learners whose personality reflects positive ways of behaving are more receptive to instruction and advice, more cooperative in performing set tasks and more help ful in creating a productive learning environment.If they possess patience, a willingness to try new things, listen to advice and can co-operate with OTOH other team members and the coach, they are more likely to have a positive outcome from a skill learning experience. If however an individual loses patience easily, cannot accept advice or cannot share experiences with others they will be slower in developing their skills. Heredity: Refers to the genetic characteristics inherited from our parents. These are unchangeable and limit the dimensions of our potential. The environment determines if we can reach the limits set by heredity.Specific hereditary characteristics influence the potential for success in specific ports/skills. Confidence: As an individual begins to learn skills and experiences success, they begin to develop a sense of self-belief in their ability to perform. Some level of confidence is internally generated, based on how the learner sees themselves (related to their personality). This confidence will then pass into the next level of learning. By learning and performing skills from a simple to a complex level, confidence will rise as the individual is more likely to experience success as they develop their skills.If however, they are given complex tasks early in their placement and they experience frequent failure, confidence is more likely to fall, which may slow down improvements in the individual's skill level. Prior Experience: If an individual has participated in an activity which involves similar qualities, such the hand/eye co-ordination found in hockey, they may be able to learn the skills involved in other sports such as cricket or golf more effectively. It can also be seen between sports such as basketball and netball, and gymnastics and diving.Ability: Ability is the ease with which an individual is able to perform a movement or routine. We often all these individual's gifted or talented as they often show ease and precision when exe cuting a skill. Ability can also be seen in the way in which an individual is able to learn process and implement new skills. Ability incorporates a range of factors, such as sense of acuity, perception, reaction time and intelligence, which combine to allow the individual to do readily what is intended. 77. How can the physical environment affect the skill acquisition?The physical learning environment can have a positive and negative impact on the learning process and is a major factor in the development of skills. The learning environment refers to everything outside the learner, including the weather, the skill itself, the situation it is practiced in, and information from coaches. 78. How can the nature of the skill affect skill acquisition? Stability of the environment (open or closed skills) the precision of the movement (gross or fine skills) the distinctiveness of the beginning and end points (discrete, serial or continuous skills) Timing (externally paced or self-paced skil ls). 9. What is an open skill? Close skill? Gross Motor skill? Fine motor skill? Extremely paced? Internally paced? Continuous skill? Discrete Skill? Serial skill? Examples? Open Skill: occurs in an unpredictable and frequently changing environment (weather, field, opponents) where the timing and the placement of the performance are dependent upon factors outside the control of the performer. Performance of the skill is greatly influenced by external factors and as such most open skills are externally paced. The unpredictability of the environment forces the performer to respond in a variety of ways.Close Skill: occurs in a stable and predictable environment, where the timing of the skill is self-paced and to a large extent, the reformer determines the place where the skill will be performed. Gross Motor skill: involve the use of large muscle groups (arms and legs) and include such things as walking, Jumping, running and kicking. Fine Motor skill: involve smaller muscle groups and f ine movements, such as catching a tennis ball, playing darts and positioning the hand and fingers during a dance performance. Extremely Paced: where the factors external to the performer set the time of execution of the movement.Rhythmic performances such as gymnastics, dancing, and aerobics, are externally paced as the movements must be performed in time with the music. Internally Paced: where the performer determines the time and pace of execution. Examples include serving in tennis and a corner kick in soccer. Continuous skill: A continuous skill is one that has no real beginning or end but is maintained in a repetitive fashion. The starting and finishing point of these skills are determined by the performer, not by the skill itself. This includes the leg action when running, cycling or swimming.Discrete skill: A discrete movement skill has a clearly defined beginning and end. It may include a throw or kick or a forward roll in gymnastics. Serial skill: this skill requires a numb er of separate skills to be performed in a specific order to achieve the set movement required. Activities such as bowling in cricket where a run up, a delivery phase and the follow through need to be combined for effective performance. 80. How are the relevant performance element incorporated into practice? For effective performance in game or competition, athletes need to be able to perform movements under pressure.Performance elements such as tactics, strategies and team plans need to be part of skill practice to enable optimal performance. Egg. Decision making & strategic and tactical development Decision making: Athletes need to make many decisions that will influence the quality of the performance. These include decisions such as who to pass to, whether to shoot for goal or pass, or decisions to accelerate in a cycling or distance running event. Coaches need to provide opportunities for decision making in practice so the athlete can improve their skills resulting in clear deci sions when performing.Strategic and tactical development: Some sports have a high strategic and tactical component. In tactical sports such as basketball, touch football or cricket, the learning environment just reflect the game situations to develop players understanding of how to with game play are can be similar across some sports, such as moving into space or marking a player. Athletes can develop an awareness of the tactics required and apply these skills in a variety of game situations. Tactical development requires practice of pressure situations similar to a game, rather than stationary practice or drills.As tactical development improves, game like practices can become more complex allowing for development of decision making and problem solving. 81 . What are the 4 types of practice methods used to learn skills? The 4 types of practice methods used to learn skills are massed, distributed, whole and part. 82. Describe each, giving examples. When would each be best used â€⠀œ for what types of skill and/ or types of learner? Massed: Massed practice occurs when one skill is continuously practiced in a session with only brief rest periods or none at all.This may involve a variety of drills aimed at improving the one skill performed one after the other. Distributed: Distributed practice can follow one of two forms. One form is when a range of skills, for example soccer dribbling, passing, and shooting. The other is where one skill is practiced, either through a single drill or a variety of skill drills, and broken up by moderate rest periods. Whole : refers to practicing a skill in its entirety, such as a softball pitch, whereas the part method involves a skill being broken into smaller components and each subsoil practiced separately, such as a basketball lay-up.Part: involves learning a part before adding another related part. Many coaches use a combination of methods, where the whole skill is taught, and then if difficulties arise, the skill is broken down and taught as the part method. Regardless of the way it is initially learnt and practiced it eventually needs to be put into a whole skill practice and performance or the co-ordination of the parts cannot occur effectively. 83. How do instructions vary according to the characteristics of the learner? 84. What is feedback?Feedback is the process of providing a performer with information about the nature or result of their performance. The performer will receive information from internal and external sources which may be concurrent or delayed. 85. The sources of feedback are internal and external. Explain these. Feedback can come from internal ND external sources; it may be given at different times such as concurrent or delayed; and it may provide different information such as knowledge of performance and knowledge of results. Internal feedback information received from the senses as a result of movement or self-talk.This helps athletes develop a kinesthesia sense or feel for a movement which allows them to distinguish between a skilled or less skilled performance. For example, when passing a netball, the athlete feels the ball in their hands and is aware of the ball leaving the hand as they can see, feel and hear it moving through the air and being caught by another player. External feedback is information received from external sources (outside the body) such as the crowd or the environment. 86. The types of feedback are knowledge of results (KERR) and knowledge of performance (KIP). Explain each and give examples.Knowledge of results (KERR): suggests how successful the skill was performed, and comes from an external source. This could include a coach discussing the outcome of a performance with the athlete, an athlete seeing the ball drop into the basket from a Jump shot, or from score boards. If the skill execution is successful the athlete is aware of the need o repeat the performance. If results are not favorable, a change must be made to improve per formance. Knowledge of performance (KIP): information received about how well a skill was performed. It may be internal or external.For example a diver may gain information from an external source such as video replay about the position of her body during a movement or a basketball may put up shot and feels the execution is incorrect resulting in the shot being missed. 87. The timing of feedback can be concurrent or delayed. Explain each with examples. Concurrent feedback: information received during a performance. This is most often internal feedback but can also be from external sources. This feedback allows for immediate correction of body position to improve results during the performance of a skill.For example, during a tennis serve, the server recognizes that their ball toss is off direction. This concurrent feedback allows the player to stop the serve and improve the toss, rather than continuing the serve and being forced into error. Delayed Feedback: information provided to the athlete after the skill has been performed, and is therefore received too late to produce a response at the time. An example of allayed feedback is a comment from the coach at the end of the activity, at half time or from video analysis after the game.This information allows for changes to technique in future performances. 88. How is feedback used as learner's progress through the stages of skill acquisition? Feedback is an essential component in the successful acquisition and development of skills, regardless of the stage of acquisition or age of the learner. Feedback provides information about the performance that allows the learner to adjust and improve or continue efficient performance. 89. What are the characteristics of a skilled performer? List and briefly explain what they mean?A skilled performer demonstrates characteristics and abilities which allows them to perform consistently at a very high level. Kinesthesia sense: Kinesthesia refers to the sensory information rece ived from the body about their body position and awareness of limbs during a movement. A skilled athlete's neuromuscular pathways are trained to ‘feel' the movement resulting in better coordination and greater ability to make corrections and modifications while executing the movement. Anticipation: A skilled performer is capable of predicting hat might happen next, by reading cues, and choosing the appropriate response to the action.This gives skilled athletes an advantage over other performers as they can position themselves in preparation for the next phase of play to counteract an opponent's move. Anticipation is particularly important in externally paced activities or where fast movement and decision making is required. For example, by watching the ball from the bowler's hand, a skilled cricket batsman can anticipate the bounce shot. Consistency: Skilled performers demonstrate greater consistency resulting in fewer errors during a performance. An unskilled athlete may occa sionally ‘fluke' a good performance whereas a skilled athlete can perform well over and over.Skilled performers have progressed to the autonomous stage of skill acquisition, resulting in an automatic performance of skill. Unskilled athletes make gross errors frequently and rely on external feedback to correct these errors for future performances. Skilled performers use internal feedback and knowledge of performance. Thus they correct small errors during performance to demonstrate greater consistency and efficiency. Technique: Skilled athletes tend to maintain correct technique despite fatigue or the name situation. They have developed their skills to be fluent, smooth and well performed.The movement is more economical, will not use as much energy, and is phonemically correct and therefore less likely to cause injury. Mental Approach: Mental approach is the ability of an athlete to control their mind as they work towards a movement goal. Skilled athletes are able to achieve thi s through goal setting, visualization, concentration and focus. They are often more competitive, ambitious, confident and committed than unskilled athletes. They are more capable f controlling anxiety and arousal resulting in optimal performance and reduced errors.They are able to perform skills as part of complex movement pattern and strategic play while making complex decisions. The mental discipline of an athlete becomes increasingly important as they move towards the elite level in their sport. 90. How do we recognize a skilled performer? A skilled performer is often stronger, more flexible, better coordinated, balanced and fitter than unskilled performers. They are able to perceive, decide and act in a manner that is efficient in terms of both energy and time. 92. What is subjective appraisal? Examples?

Friday, August 30, 2019

How far were ideological factors responsible for Stalin’s decision to replace the NEP with the collectivisation of agriculture Essay

How far were ideological factors responsible for Stalin’s decision to replace the NEP with the collectivisation of agriculture and the Five Year Plans? I believe that ideological factor were responsible for Stalin’s decision to replace the NEP with the collectivisation of agriculture and the Five Year Plans as Stalin was disgruntled by the peasants work ethic and continuingly wanted to become more communist and ideological issues were the main contributors that, if changed would make a vast difference to Russia. However, other factors also could have been responsible for Stalin’s decision to replace the NEP with the collectivisation of agriculture and the Five Year Plans such as political and economical aspects. I feel that the main contributor in determining Stalin’s decision was the economic factors that Stalin was determined to industrialise Russia and under the NEP this was not possible. Ideological factors were responsible for Stalin’s decision to replace the NEP with the collectivisation of agriculture and the Five Year Plans as the introduction of these new things meant that Russia could become more communist which was what Stalin ultimately wanted. Before collectivisation was introduced, Stalin felt that peasant attitude lacked revolutionary spirit, rather than producing grain for the good of the community the peasants produced it for themselves and their own profit. This was viewed as capitalism and was against what Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Russia tried to achieve and the NEP was helping the peasants develop capitalism. This is true in that of the introduction of collectivisation and the Five Year Plans and Stalin constantly wanted to become a ‘more communist’ state. Through collectivisation Stalin promised significant increase in production which would allow the government to sell more overseas, providing more resources for industrialisation and a higher standard of living for urban workers. Collectivisation had a devastating effect on the Russian peasantry, which resulted in Stalin’s ‘change of tactic’ in the Five Year Plans. Under the NEP the peasants had prospered while conditions for the workers were slow to improve. Stalin wanted to reverse this. He intended to replace the ‘bourgeois specialists’ with the ‘red specialists’ who were educated by the Communist government and who came from the ranks of the working class. However, political factors could also be seen as responsible for Stalin’s decision to replace the NEP with the collectivisation of agriculture and the Five Year Plans. Stalin’s desire to initiate collectivisation was motivated  by his struggle against Bukharin and the Party’s rightwing. The radical nature of collectivisation appealed to the Party’s left wing. Moreover, it was far more appealing to many in the Communist Party than the right-wing alternative of importing grain. Grain imports would mean reducing the pace of industrialisation because the money used to buy grain could not be spent on developing Russia’s industry an d Stalin was incredibly eager to introduce industrialisation, it was one of his main aims for Russia. Under the NEP, importing grain many have been inevitable as without collectivisation Russia would have had to get grain from abroad or they would have starved. This would have resulted in the slowing down of industrialisation which Stalin would not have been pleased about. Additionally, Stalin’s own understanding of agriculture (which was very little) also had some bearing on his decision. He had a different view and understanding of agriculture to that of Lenin so the changing of the NEP to collectivisation seemed a logical step for Stalin. Political factors were also responsible for Stalin’s decision to replace the NEP with the Five Year Plans. For many, these plans were seen as Stalin’s consolidation of power. His message was very clear- Lenin’s Russia, the Russia of the NEP was over, and ‘Stalin’s Russia’ was just beginning. By this he removed the NEP which Lenin had brought in, so that to show Russia it was no longer going to go by the words of Lenin, but of Stalin. Finally, economic factors also could have been seen to be responsible for Stalin’s decision to replace the NEP with the collectivisation of agriculture and the Five Year Plans. The autumn of 1926 saw record grain harvests for the USSR. However, the harvests of 1927, 1928 and 1929 were poorer. The decrease in production forced the price of agricultural products up. Consequently, the standard of living amongst urban workers declined. The NEP caused this decline in production and economically it was terrible for the country as without grain being produced the economy suffered huge losses and many Russian families were homeless. Collectivisation held out the prospect of many economic benefits, those being that large farms would increase efficiency, with improved efficiency it would mean that fewer people were needed to work on the farms, therefore releasing extra manpower for Russia’s developing industry and collectivisation promised a significant increase in production. Industrialisation was a main aim for Stalin and in his eyes through  collectivisation Russia would become more industrial; however under the NEP this was not possible. Similarly, the First Five Year Plan was introduced in response to the NEP’s failure to industrialise Russia. Even the NEP’s supporters acknowledged that that policy could only industrialise Ru ssia ‘at a snail’s pace’. The Five Year Plans aimed to speed up this process. It was evident that the NEP was not producing results quick enough and a new approach was needed. In conclusion, I believe that economic reasons were the important factor responsible for Stalin’s decision to replace the NEP with the collectivisation of agriculture and the Five Year Plans as the economy under the NEP was in tatters and if Stalin had not tried to change the approach quickly the Russia economy would have been completely destroyed. Stalin wanted to increase the pace in which things were improving; under the NEP results were often slow and unpredictable. Although I feel that political and ideological were important in Stalin’s decision I don’t feel that they contributed to the extent that economical factors did. However, many points are linked, one in which that Stalin wanted Russia to become more communist and under the NEP that was not possible. This comes under all three factors and was an importa nt factor in Stalin’s decision. By Lara Williamson 12 MBE

Thursday, August 29, 2019


There are many accounts in the Bible that state God as the creator. Genesis 1 and 2 are both creation stories but slightly differ in their accounts; Genesis 1 is a day by day account of all the things God created in not so much detail whereas Genesis 2 explains the creation story in a way that focuses more on the creation of man and woman than just the lands. Having two accounts of the creation story means that it is easier to come up with your own conclusion as to how the earth was created. The first line of Genesis 1 is â€Å"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth† There is no explanation as to where God came from or why He is there, He just exists and creates the heavens and the earth. This alone is showing God as the creator. Genesis then carries on to state all the things God created all with no scientific or physical proof or evidence as to why and how God is doing so. â€Å"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them† This quote is from line 27 and is on the 6th day. The repetition of the word ‘created’ is enforcing to the reader that God is the creator of everything and this is done so that there is no doubt in the readers mind whether God is the creator or not. God creating man and woman in his own image is showing that we are superior to other beings such as animals which shows that God is the humans superior. Being made in Gods image is his way of blessing the humans in life as we are made in the ‘Creators’ image. â€Å"Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This quote is saying that God is passing down his ‘ruler ship’ on to the humans. This means that God is starting to ‘back away’ from his previous role and now feels that he has created a world that the inhabitants (humans) can look after. Genesis two is another creation story but has a few differences to Genesis 1. While Genesis 1 speaks a lot more of the specifics of how and when each part of the earth was made, Genesis 2 speaks a whole lot more about the creation of humans rather than the land. The most time that the creation of land is mentioned is at the beginning of Genesis 2. â€Å"This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created. When the LORD God made the earth and the heavens-â€Å" This is the first thing said in Genesis 2 and it is stating that God is the creator. It says that God created both the heavens and the earth; there is never any question or vagueness about God creating the heavens and the earth it is all very matter of fact. Although Genesis 2 doesn’t always speak of God ‘creating’ things it often personifies God in such a way that he is planting or making objects. â€Å"And the LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground-â€Å" This quote doesn’t say that God created the trees but made them grow from the ground, this is essentially saying that He created them as it was the first sighting of trees but is said in a different way as so not to force the ‘creation’ down your throat like Genesis 1 does. This is so that you can come to your own conclusion about which one is more plausible or correct but there is still no doubt as to god being the creator. Job 38 from the Book of Job is a story of how Satan and God have a disagreement where Satan was saying that Job only worships God because he is prosperous in his life, God then agrees to take away all his possessions and leave him with nothing to show Satan that Job would still worship him even if he was left with nothing. Job’s three friends Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar try to comfort Job but they end up doing the opposite and tell Job that the reason for all his losses is because he has sinned and now God is making him suffer. In the end Job has had enough and questions God, this makes God angry and then Job has a better understanding and realises that he should have trusted God all along. God then returns all of Jobs health and possession in better amounts than they previously were. This story is God showing his power and his superiority to humans. â€Å"Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? † This is God saying that he is mightier than any human and they do not compare to His power. This is also showing that God is omnipotent and that we know nothing compared to him. This is all enforcing that God is the creator and better than all the humans. â€Å"Have you ever given orders to the morning, or shown the dawn it’s place,† This is saying that God has dominance over everything in the world, humans and nature. After Gods account of all his majestic works (such as the world and humans) and power, Job has to acknowledge God’s right as creator to do as he pleases and to not be questioned. Job is essentially the personification of all humans who do not believe god as the creator, Job doubted God and his ability so god became angry; this is supposedly what happens every time someone doubts God. Psalm 8 is a song about the lord God and his creation. â€Å"You have set your glory above the heavens† While this quote form the first verse isn’t directly linked to God being the creator it is saying that God has stated his glory in a way that so far in this psalm we do not know yet, we know that God has glory which could mean he has done something great. â€Å"When I consider the heavens, the work of your fingers† Now we start to work out what it is that causes God to have glory, â€Å"the work of your fingers† we are literally told that God has made the heavens with his ‘fingers’. This personification of God shows that people saw him as one of them but also appreciated his greater power, this could possibly relate to humans being made in God’s image. â€Å"you made him a little lower than the heavenly beings† This quote is, like Job 38, stating God’s dominance over the humans. God made humans a little lower than heavenly beings so that they knew their place and that they were lesser than himself ‘the creator’.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Nosocomial Infections. What are they and how do you prevent them Research Paper

Nosocomial Infections. What are they and how do you prevent them - Research Paper Example On an average, it is estimated that the nosocomial infections affect up to 6 people out of every 100 patients who are admitted. In the year 1995, it was recorded that 88000 people succumbed to these infections and died. In the same year it was estimated that these infections served a burden of $4.5 billion of economic burden (Weinstein 1998). Nosocomial infections are preventable and there are many measures which can be implied. The first and foremost recommendation is that cleaning of the hands is very important and hand washing should be stressed upon. It is necessary to carry out invasive procedures like catheterization only in the instance if it is very important and proper methods are supposed to be used to prevent any infection. When urine is obtained for testing, it is necessary that cleanliness and proper hygienic measures are taken. The infected patients should be kept away from other patients to prevent spread of infection. Awareness regarding catheterization and hand washing should be stressed upon regularly. Sterilization of the instruments that are used on patients is important. Proper hygiene and cleanliness of the healthcare providers plus the patients should also be stressed upon. The hospital should be clean. Usage of gloves and masks should be employed where necessary. Aseptic conditions should be devel oped before drawing blood to prevent infections (Soule and Huskins 1997). Soule, B. M., & Huskins, W. C. (January 01, 1997). A global perspective on the past, present, and future of nosocomial infection prevention and control.  American Journal of Infection Control,  25,  4,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Take Away Their Guns by James Q. Wilson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Take Away Their Guns by James Q. Wilson - Essay Example Wilson has managed to leave an empty spot by having an indirect message instead of a direct one. This encourages readers to read the entire essay in order to find out what the author is passing across. Wilson asserts that every patrol officer should be given lists of people on parole or probation so that they make frequent checks ascertain that they are not carrying a weapon. I concur one hundred percent with the author on that issue. I have a strong conviction that providing the list to police officers is a good step towards providing safety to people in the society. Additionally, it may reduce the crime rate. Wilson has also suggested that the government and scientists should work hand in hand in order to come up with powerful metal detectors that may assist police officers in detecting guns, even those hidden in pockets of criminals. The underemployed electronics engineers and nuclear physicists of the post-cold war era have the capacities of designing better gun detectors (Wilson). However, the author failed to address another issue that could be used to minimize crimes in the society. The author forgot to mention throughout the entire essay that the mental capacity of gun owners should be tested. Some people in the society is not mentally fit to own a gun. These individuals tend to pose threats to themselves and those living around them (Wilson). Therefore, the government needs to put in place a system that will test the owners’ psychological mind set. Individuals who fail the test should not be allowed to own fire arms for the rest of their lives. This is because some people have racist and criminal tendencies that may lead them to commit crime with their personal weapon. Some people may fail the tests due to depressions or other mental illness. These may lead them to suicidal tendencies and compel them to commit crimes. Consequently, after committing these crimes these individuals may run

Monday, August 26, 2019

Health Disparities Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 75

Health Disparities - Assignment Example For example, health statistics indicate that African Americans experience the highest mortality rates from cerebrovascular disease, HIV/AIDS, cancer and heart disease more than any other racial or ethnic group in the United States (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012). Most of the American Indians die from unintentional injuries, cirrhosis, liver disease and diabetes. The reasons for these health disparities among racial and ethnic groups is complex and clearly not understood, but they largely relate to socioeconomic differences, environmental degradation, differences in health-related risk factors, and direct and indirect impacts of racial and ethnic discrimination (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012). This paper, therefore, reflects on two articles and establishes whether the information and data presented hold true in addressing health disparities among racial and ethnic groups in the U.S., and further recommends solutions to practices or beliefs that seem to support these biased patterns. Jack Geiger, in his article â€Å"Racial and ethnic disparities in diagnosis and treatment: a review of the evidence and a consideration of causes,† reviewed a number of researched works addressing health disparities issues in the United States. He established that the fundamental explanations of disparities and the key determinants of population health status among American racial and ethnic groups lie in physical, social, and economic environment, which are, in turn, influenced by the larger society’s values, norms, political economy, and social stratification systems (Geiger, 2003). He further identifies that the two variables that most studies frequently cited as the leading cause of disparities reflected beliefs and values which are common in the larger society. The first is biological differences (racial) as a significant contributor to health disparities. I agree with the author that, in spite of the current understanding of race as a social concept, the notion of the significance of racial grouping, in terms of medical grounds, continues to appear even in the current societies.  Ã‚  

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Case study of learning disabled student Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Of learning disabled student - Case Study Example Albert has a learning disability which affects hearing processing. Like many students with invisible disabilities, such as learning and mental impairments, he is sensitive to the attitudes and thoughts of fellow classmates and teachers regarding his need for a note taker in class. He is hesitant to publicize this need among his class fellows, fearing perceptions of special treatment, illogical reasons, and negative stereotyping .Although the student disability source hub had provided paperwork and approval for financial compensation for a note taker, nearly two weeks had passed and still no classroom volunteers were known. Involvement from the student disability source hub included contact with the teacher who then made a general declaration in class about the need for a note taker, noting that financial compensation would be provided; if there were no volunteers, the disability resources office staff would employ on campus for a paid note taker enrolled in the class. It was also suggested that the teacher provide teaching outlines and the alternative for the student to tape record the lectures. Additional support was provided to the student through disability management counseling, which reinforced self-advocacy and learning skills.As a result of this, three way coordination established among student, teaching staff and the officials Albert overcomes on the concerns about what others may think and help in attaining academic accommodations. The disability source hub helps him to develop self-advocacy and learning skills. Flourishing reintegration into conventional secondary school required an adherence to the school carry out/behavioral policy rather than â€Å"accomplishment† in behavioral terms and academic accomplishment required to be in line with the range of students in the school. It was also important for there to be clear links between the school for pupils with emotional and behavioral

Exam Questions Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Exam Questions - Article Example This argument is also explained in the 2008 National Defense Strategy (NDS) document. â€Å"The most important military component of the struggle against violent extremists is not the fighting we do ourselves, but how well we help prepare our partners to defend and govern themselves† (NDS 2008, P8). This statement, found in the national defense strategy of 2008 helps one understand President Obama’s words better. He does not seek to eliminate the extremist threat from Afghanistan simply through brute force. Rather, he advocates sending additional troops to the country to stabilize the situation there and create an environment where the Afghan security forces can be trained to hold their own against the extremist threat. Once that task is accomplished, the US would not need to be an active participant in the war against Al Qaeda and its associates in the country and could withdraw its troops subsequently assured that no threat to its own national security would be foster ed in Afghanistan. 2. The 2008 national defense strategy clearly states that its intent is to counterbalance the DoD’s hitherto approach of concentrating on conventional warfare through a ‘mastery of irregular warfare’. ... The 2008 NDS aims to focus on winning wars such as those in Iraq and Afghanisthan through more than just sheer military power. It recognizes the threat posed by their enemies in the more overt forms visible today as well as the less obvious ones such as the manipulation of global opinion through mass communication venues and through exploitation of international commitments and legal avenues. The strategy also advocates bolstering intelligence capabilities to detect and analyze new forms of warfare and come up with strategies and approaches to counter the same. One can take the attitude of the US towards Afghanistan as a fitting example of this new approach. Rather than simply annexing the country and weeding out elements of extremist violence posing a threat to their national security, the US has chosen to help the people of the country gain control of their own lands and successfully defend it from the Al Qaeda and Taliban. By doing so, they not only weaken their foes in the countr y, but also make the country impervious to their influence, effectively cutting them off from the safe haven and the weapon supplies that they hitherto enjoyed over there. By concentrating on irregular warfare, the NDS looks to ensure a lasting and less expensive (in terms of funds as well as loss to life and property) war for America’s security. 3. The US foreign policy towards Somalia, as mentioned in the 2007 report, aims to eliminate the terrorist threat in the country and bring political stability to it, by helping the people establish a functioning central government. It also aims to address the humanitarian needs of the Somali people. One of the major interests for the United States of America in Somalia

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Changing environment factor, and Pricing Strategies Essay - 1

Changing environment factor, and Pricing Strategies - Essay Example Undeniably the muffin market in the United States has its share of competitors and Wholesome Muffins will not entirely be entering a new market. Subsequently since the objective is profit maximisation it would be better for Wholesome Muffins to establish a position above the other competitors. To achieve this, the firm will require licence permission to operate as a subsidiary. This also implies that the subsidiary will be registered and licensed under the limited liability option as well as the franchisee alternative. This has a great role in ensuring that the marketing production and growth strategy maintains a direct channel approach (Berry, 2008). Despite the identified influence of the legal entities in the chosen type of organisation, it also presents certain risks. To begin with it would be impractical to establish a place of business in the country if the government fails to cooperate and offer assistance. This could occur through unfriendly policies and standards that will lead to extra expense and cost. If the firm does not also receive political input it will not have the relevant market statistics. This means that it will fail in making the customers preference and taste (Kerin, Hartely, Berkowitz & Redelius, 2006). The lack of cooperation from the government also puts the company at the risk of intellectual property insecurity. Subsequently it will fall behind the competitors increasing its operational management and marketing costs. The United States’ food market was hardly hit by the recent economic crisis that drove the interest rates on goods and legal tender sky high slowly eliminating the unstable and inefficient companies. The remaining companies were forced to diversify to break even. Subsequently the competition for Wholesome Muffins comprises companies that have fresh muffins as just one among their products. However, the competition still exists, and it poses great risks to the firm’s performance. However,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Business proposal. JUST PART B (which is 5 pages) The rest is my group Research Paper

Business proposal. JUST PART B (which is 5 pages) The rest is my group members - Research Paper Example The restaurant is fully equipped with the furniture, fixtures, and other essential equipment. Thus, the initial cost will only entail capital for starting the operations. In 1946, Taco Bell was started by Glen Bell, who opened a hot dog cafà © in San Bernardino, California. In 1950, he began Hot Dog and Hamburgers in San Bernardinos barrio (OFallon, 2011). Bell has grown and currently is operating numerous restaurants in California. Taco Bell Restaurant Company is currently over five hundred fast food restaurants word wide. The restaurant will daily serve concession every day of each year from 5:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. Taco Bell selected this restaurant due to its strategic placement. This step will allow the travelers to have their dishes before and after their journeys. There are other competitors in the place, but our quality and reliable service will be the bait for our customers (OFallon, 2011). We will provide healthier meals with simplified wholesome ingredients. Taco Bell will position itself premier fast food and quick service restaurant at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. This position will be attained by providing quality foods of highest hygiene and positive health impact. The restaurant will provide a conducive atmosphere for our customers to enjoy their meals, and they will be greeted by the smiles as they enter our restaurant. Our customers will be moved by our standard menu fare, together with seasonal menus that can use to take advantage of saving costs and maintain the trends of the current food industry. We are certain that the restaurant business is a crucial place where one can begin their career and pursue it to full-time (OFallon, 2011). In Taco Bell, we know that our restaurant will offer job opportunities to both new applicants and part-timers. Taco Bell will remain current with the ever growing food industry

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Thermoset plastic Essay Example for Free

Thermoset plastic Essay In this project I will design an apparatus which will hold a test-tube, basically as a showpiece. Even though test tubes are usually used to hold variables in science, I will be using it as a flower holder. My new boss at the company has asked me to make a flower vase, and has decided that the newest item in the store will be a test-tube flower vase. He has asked me that it has to be commercially viable, which will totally depend on my target audience. My main target audience in this project is the general female adult, because it would be the best area to sell a flower vase. This is because showpieces in stores are mostly bought by the female adult who wants to make a place look good by its presence. Im choosing this audience because they are the ones that most commonly use vases, and it is the place where I can make the most money. In order to do this, I will go through a whole process which is in this project. I will start of with researching existing examples, researching materials and I will go on to survey a group of people and I will go on to use the results in order to plan my design. I will go on to create my design and then I will evaluate my whole project. Overall, I will follow the design cycle in this project to create my flower vase. The tools and materials that I will use will all come from the DT lab. Materials Research In this project there are three main materials that we have the option to use, these being wood, metal and plastic. Below is some detailed information on all these types of materials: Wood: Wood is a main source of creativity, because it can be shaped and even manipulated in some cases. It is a primary way of creating apparatus/tools because it used to be abundant. Nowadays, there is a threat of it becoming rare, but because it is already such a used material it is not something that is hard to stop, especially because of the reason that the universal population will never decrease over a period of time. There are three main types of wood, namely hard wood, soft wood and man made wood. All types of wood must be seasoned before they are used, meaning that the moisture must be removed so that it is a solid. Soft Wood: Soft wood mainly comes from evergreen or conifer trees (right). They also come from trees like pine, cedar, fir, hemlock, spruce, yew and redwood. Softwoods are mainly softer than hardwoods; however there are some exceptions i. e. yews are much harder than hardwoods. Softwoods are categorized differently from hardwoods because of their different microscopic structures. There are two main elements that form the structure of softwood, namely tracheids and parenchyma. Uses: It is the main wood source used by man, because of the variety of uses it has. Softwood is the main material construction of buildings, in furniture, in windows, in mouldings, in doors and a lot of other millworks. Also, it is used for the production of paper and is turned into man-made wood i. e. MDF. Hard Wood: Hard wood trees on the other hand, mainly come from deciduous trees (right) . However, there is a group of hardwood trees that arent deciduous, known as angiosperm trees. Conducted experiments show that hardwoods are higher in density than soft woods but it has to be kept in mind that there are some examples of both groups that considerably overlap, i.  e. hardwood Balsa is softer than regular softwoods, and yew is in the opposite direction. Hardwoods can be differentiated from softwoods because of the following Characteristics. They have broader leaves   The contain enclosed nuts/seeds i. e. acorns Compared to softwood, hardwoods have a much more varied existence of species, almost a hundred times more. This also means that hardwood is used a lot more than softwood, especially in exterior work. It is also used to make day-to-day utensils, as flooring, for constructing buildings, for furniture and a variety of different things. Man-made wood: There are three main types of man-made wood, MDF, maisonette and plywood. MDF boards are known as Medium-density fibreboards. It is made by first breaking down softwood to wood fibres, and then two substances called wax and resin are combined with it. This is then used to form panels by applying on it pressure and high temperature. It is a material mainly made up of sawdust. Plywood, another example of man-made wood is created from thin sheets of wood veneers. Each of these sheets are then stacked together in a method called cross-banding. Again, they are bonded under heat and huge amounts of pressure. One of the reasons why plywood is favoured over plain wood is that it is resistant to warping, cracking, and shrinkage and is very firm. Maisonette wood is mostly used in the constructing of houses, which is why maisonette houses are existent today. Maisonette houses are basically houses connected to apartments (above right), which is where the maisonette wood is used. Metal: Metal is derived from the Greek word Metallon and is a readily formed element with positive ions which make up metallic bonds. On the periodic table, a diagonal line from polonium to boron divides up the metal elements (left). Elements below the line are metals and elements above the line are non-metals. However, elements along the line are known as metalloids or semi-metals. Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals: There are mainly two types of metal, known as ferrous metal and non-ferrous metal. The word ferrous is derived from the Latin word Ferrum which means containing iron. This shows that ferrous metals are the ones that contain iron whilst non-ferrous dont. This is a common way of dividing metal because it is the easiest way to decide which kind of metal you need, because the differences between these two groups are clear and obvious. Ferrous metals are the ones that usually rust, and they are the stronger and heavier. On the other hand, non-ferrous metals are the ones that dont rust because they dont contain iron, and are lighter and softer. Non-ferrous metals are those which are a mixture of metals (known as alloys) and do not have iron. Examples of them would be copper, aluminium and brass. Brass is an example of an alloy because it is a combination of copper and zinc. Examples of ferrous metals include: tin plate, cast iron and mild steel. Plastic: Plastics are a general group of apparatus that are created by the combination of oil, salt, air and water. Plastics are defined as a group of (natural) organic or synthesized materials that can be shaped when soft and later when they are hardened. The word plastic is derived from the word plasticity because of the fact that many of them malleable. In other words they are capable of being extended or shaped by the force of some kind of pressure. When applying plastic, there are two main types: thermo-set plastic and thermo plastic. Thermoplastic: Thermoplastics are characterized as being soft and pliable when heated. This means that it will melt when heated and it will turn into a glassy, brittle state (like that of ice) when cooled down sufficiently. Thermoplastic heat can easily be shaped by heat. This kind of plastic is usually used for packages, especially ones like PBS, polyethylene, polystyrene and acrylic (right). Thermoset plastics: Thermoset plastics on the other hand, are the complete opposite. They are stronger, much harder and heat resistant. They cannot be shaped with the use of heat, but at the same time they are very brittle pieces of apparatus. These kinds of plastics are usually in the form of a liquid or powder before being designed and moulded. Compared to thermoplastics, thermosetting plastics are harder and are best suited to higher temperatures. Like thermoplastics, thermoset plastics cannot be recycled by re-melting or remoulding the plastics. Examples of thermoset plastic include: polyester sine, poxy resin and melamine (right).

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

United States Army and Respect Essay Example for Free

United States Army and Respect Essay RESPECT HAS BEEN a distinctive US Army value since 1778 when Frederick William Baron von Steuben noted that a US officer.s first objective should be to treat his men .with every possible kindness and humanity..1 So it was not surprising when the US Army identified respect as oneof its seven values. In 1998 respect language gave the Army a powerful way to organize ongoing discussions about discrimination and harassment.2 The previous year.s headlines had been filled with allegations of appalling violations of respect. The inclusion of respect as a value along with loyalty, duty, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage sent a strong message that respect for others should be an integral part of US Army leadership. The US Army Training and Doctrine Command. (TRADOC.s) initial definition of respect, .treat people as they should be treated,. provided little guidance for defining the characteristics of this core component of Army leadership. RespectinFM22-100 As the capstone leadership manual for the Army, US Army Field Manual (FM) 22-100, Army Leadership, gives a concrete definition of respect in Army leadership. 3 It emphasizes character, principles of Army leadership and Army values and provides a clear, understandable doctrine to guide soldiers as they strive to become and develop as .leaders of character and competence..Despite its stated mission, FM 22-100 fails to explain how respect is unique to Army leadership and what it looks like in practice. In fact, these issues are never addressed. Its brief discussion of respect is framed in language borrowed from philosophy and management theory without considering whether that language is adequate for Army leaders. Applying respect to leaders. interpersonal skills and practical judgment.what leaders .know and never specifically explored. Should we conclude that respect in the Army is no different from popular versions of respect? Most professional soldiers are acutely aware of a discontinuity between the Army.s organizational culture and popular US culture. Official documents often refer to this disjunction as a reason for teaching Army Values, especially to new recruits.4 The fact that FM 22-100 leaves its readers wondering whether respect in Army leadership is the same as popular respect highlights a potentially serious operational problem. Without a clear, solid definition of respect, Army leaders cannot be expected to understand the sort of respect they are meant to exemplify. Some sound explanations are found in FM 22- 100, such as the notion that tough training does not demean subordinates. Building their capabilities and showing faith in them is .the essence of respect.. Respect is .an essential component for the development of disciplined, cohesive and effective warfighting teams. that is based on trust and regard for fellow soldiers.5 The manual also notes that team identity and the bond between lead ers and subordinates spring from mutual respect as well as discipline. Nevertheless, it is difficult to know how to interpret these passages because so much of the discussion of respect in FM 22-100 is hidden in popular language about tolerance, civility and individual autonomy. So while Army Values such as selfless service and personal courage come with fairly sophisticated explanations and examples, respect is left behind. This is something everyone wants, not many people have, and a few people give. Most people would appreciate getting respect from others but do people actually give respect. Unfortunately, a lot of the time, this does not happen. Perhaps, people just dont recognize that they arent giving respect. So, what is the definition of respect exactly? The Oxford dictionary defines respect as deferential esteem felt or shown towards a person or quality. Does that actually explain what respect really is? Respect can be broken down to many topics. People appreciate receiving respect from others; however, much of the time people fail to give resp ect. Respect takes a number of forms: Respect for other people, respect for peoples property, and perhaps most importantly, respect for oneself. If you want others to give you respect, you must first learn how to give respect yourself. There is a lot of ways to respect a person or people, there are a lot of definitions to define respect: â€Å"To feel or show definite regard for; esteem. To avoid violation of or interference with: respect the speed limit. To relate or refer to; concern†. relation or reference, esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability, deference to a right, privilege, privileged position, or someone or something considered to have certain rights or privileges; proper acceptance or courtesy; acknowledgment, the condition of being esteemed or honored, a formal expression or gesture of greeting, esteem, or friendship, favor or partiality. Anot her one is to respect their rules, feelings, their personal space or bubble. There are many other forms of respect. Respect is created in many ways. It is created when people treat others as they want to be treated. So the growth of something, such as respect, often nourishes itself from its own process and dynamics. Being the first to accord respect, and with time, it will develop amongst all the conflicting parties. Avoid insulting people or how they feel about certain situations. Instead try to understand them. Many disastrous interactions are characterized by attitudes such as arrogance, disdain, intimidation. To avoid this be courteous. Listen to what others have to say. Treating people FAIRLY , all is the basic elements â€Å"that we learned in Kindergarten† that goes a long way to creating an atmosphere of trust and respect. Contempt and humiliation are the absence of respect, as are a sense of being unheard or not UNDERSTOOD. The absence of respect or a perceived lack of respect often leads to conflict at personal or professional level. Respect plays an important role in a number of ways. Those who are respected wi thin the community or the workplace are most likely to be able to bring or encourage peace. If there is no respect to be perceived in the workplace it can lead to destruction meaning no TRUST and/or low morale. Once people are given respect, they are more willing to make compromises which are long term and sustainable, rather than those that are made under duress. One must respect his or herself. This respect is holding your head high and respecting your own opinions. It’s acknowledging that you have ideas and then sharing them because you are not AFRAID or intimidated of what others may think. It is not letting peer pressure and other things affect the way you think or want to think. I can say that I lost all respect for the Army. The army is the worst organization to be a part of. Lower enlisted soldiers don’t get respected or treated like human beings even though it is claimed that they do. Any Soldier who enjoys the significance of respect and self-respect in everyday life largely explains why particularly in morale has been lowered and the increase in rules being broke. They are also invoked in bioethics, environmental ethics, workplace ethics, and a host of other applied ethics contexts. Although a wide variety of things are said to deserve respect, for the interest in respect has overwhelmingly been focused on respect for persons, the idea that all persons should be treated with respect simply because they are persons. Today the Army defines RESPECT as (Quote) The regard and recognition of the absolute dignity that every human being possesses; incorporates diversity and compassion. An even easier way is to think of it as The Golden Rule – treating fellow soldiers exactly the way you would wish to be treated. Respect in the Military in my opinion means allowing to be talked to any type of way or just treated not like a human being all because of a certain rank. Regardless of the military we are all human beings and deserve to be treated like people not robots.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Strategic Leadership Of Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan

Strategic Leadership Of Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Leadership is an internal power of convincing people and the world knows many of leaders. But only extraordinary leader with a strong belief could be able to create a miracle transforming a desert into a modern state which is a real pride of the world now. This leader is Sheix Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan who was the principal architect of United Arab Emirates and the president of UAE for over 30 years. He was considered one of the wealthiest men in the world but he used to live a relatively humble and traditional lifestyle. The key success of his leadership was wisdom. According to Aristotle, people have a purpose and they try to fulfill it. According to Amartya Sen, people desire freedom of choice. According to Sheix Zayed a human being can reach results through hard work, generosity and strong belief to God. Sheix Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan was born in around 1918 in Abu Dhabi. He received only basic education of Islam in the emirate and then after his return from abroad, he told about his visits that motivated him to start a project which would give a possibility to the people to enjoy good living in their own country by utilizing the possible discovery of oil. Sheix Zayed was an effective leader who catalyzed a vigorous pursuit of a clear vision and the biggest guarantee of his effectiveness was the country during his governance. His success became the success of the country which was a transformation of the vision into a reality that the whole world enjoys now. Sheix Zayed was a highly capable individual as he made productive contributions through his strong belief and hard work. As a president of the UAE, he showed his negotiating abilities by building consensus both internally and externally in order to gain support for creating the new state. As a strong charismatic individualist and a real leader, he could convince others with the idea of building a new state in a desert and encouraged the people to express their opinions, to put all together in order to extract from them a single point of view. This was Sheix Zayed who unified seven tribal and made his productive contribution to build democracy in the country. Sheix Zayed has gained the respect and the love of the people due to his unique leadership style of wisdom. He has adopted important principles of far-sightedness for Islamic nations and could earn international recognition as well. His charisma helped him to create a policy to maintain close relationship with the people. Sheix Zayed was a man of religion and his leadership style was based on a philosophy according to which everything in this life depends on Gods will. As a real Muslim, he was inspired by Quran and realized that it is not just a simple book of religion but it is a system of discipline for all facts of life including economic, social, political and moral principles. As a generous leader Sheix Zayed honestly utilized oil resources which he considered as a gift of Allah in the best interests of his people being deeply concerned by the poor social and economic situation of the country. He was concerned by the well-being of every individual citizen stating that all those resources belong to the people who could catch up with the procession civilization. That was his clearly defined vision and the way of governance which ensured progress. Sheix Zayed is considered to be one of the wise leaders of the history. Making wise utilization of the oil revenues that had begun to flow only several years ago, Sheix Zayed made enormous plans of development focusing on the creation of the infrastructure initially and on the needs of all the emirates. Then he built a federation which was a lesson from history over ages and became a unifying force for his success. The federation was his objective to provide his country with a good standard of living and to build a modern state as he considered that unity was a tool for attaining the well-being of the people and to provide generations with a better living. The result of the federation was transformation of the UAE and the lifestyle of its people which was just a dream before. Sheix Zayeds vision was to see the UAE as a developed country, however all the accomplishments were beyond his imagination. It was due to his strategic leadership and ability to utilize natural resources. Sheix Zayeds style of leadership was characterized by his personality as a leader and his belief in the principle of Shura, which is an Islamic value according to which he who does not obey Allah is the loser. This helped him to create a strategic leadership which was based on promoting ethical, religious and responsible practices. He felt everyone in should a full member of the society with a full right of expressing his opinion. He strengthened the religious principle within the people in order to spread justice, generosity and strong belief. The clear stated vision of Sheix Zayed could build winning competencies in the world in every field starting from the educational sector and ending with the supply chain management. The UAE today attracts everyone and finds ways for developing and retaining the best talents of the world in terms of contribution. And the result of the motivation of the best human ideas is that the highest buildings, the biggest airport, the most luxurious hotels of the world are situated in the UAE. Sheix Zayed succeeded in combining leadership with management; as an inspiration-oriented and effectiveness-oriented leader, he could not only set the directions for his country and people and open up options for the future, but as an efficiency-oriented and control-oriented manager, he could stay on course with his people involving himself in project implementation process and sustain the present for his country. This way he could maintain a helicopter view combining effectiveness and efficiency; on the one hand, he was sure of the realization of his vision to build a new and modern state and he was fully convinced that he made a right decision. On the other hand, he used all the useful information from the history and the holy Quran adding his own and other ideas and struggled for fulfilling his main goal of transforming the desert into a modern country. In result, he succeeded in the implementation of his project due to clever utilization of the natural resources and the good stra tegic leadership and management of stabilizing the budget created by Sheix Zayed. He was an intelligent leader and he proved that the intelligence is not only in the academic degrees and prestigious universities, but it is just an internal willingness to be an intelligent. Sheix Zayed grew up with Bedouin traditions, but he reached to the wise style of leadership through knowing others experiences, reading the holy Quran and mastering the lessons of history. Sheix Zayed was an authentic leader. Moreover, he managed to establish his authenticity through getting to know his origins better by getting honest feedback. He always remembered his origin and the hard times he passed in a poor and undeveloped country. He was always ready to meet with the people all over the Emirates and to listen to their ideas and to discuss important issues with them. He improved his steps by getting to know others better by building a rich picture of his environment and removing barriers between himself and others. He chose a style of leadership which allowed the people to be involved in the decision making process as well as set priorities and delegate certain tasks being well informed about the objective of the leader. He involved the people in the sharing of national responsibilities stating that they all had the same goal to achieve justice and right in a developed country with unified society. He strengthened the belief in Islam which was the teacher of th e responsibility of governance and called the people for hard work. He advised them not to follow a routine way to work but to maintain close contact with ordinary people whom they serve. He believed that the people are the main motive for development. His focus was on the educational sector believing that human resources are the real wealth of the country and then on the conservation of the environment and using the natural resources of the country. He found the way to preserve them for the future generations. It was in the result of people involvement in the implementation of the projects that Sheix Zayed realized that the harsh climate threatened the land with desertification and the agriculture was not practical in such conditions. And in a very short of time he could transform the desert into green areas with millions of palm trees and fruit trees. And he succeeded in achieving those unbelievable results while constructing new towns and villages in the sands. Enjoying the natural resources in his country, Sheix Zayed behaved as a great humanist and generous leader in his decisions to make contribution of moral and political support and financial aid to other countries with the aim of bringing stable situation and organizing charity programs. This approach has characterized the style of leadership of Sheix Zayed and remained essential to his role as a leader providing the basis of the way in which he managed to bring progress to his country. The strategy of Sheix Zayed had a performance culture in terms of providing clear, challenging goals. Sheix Zayed was born in Al Nahyan family that emerged as leaders of the emirate which was poor and undeveloped. At that time the economy of the emirate was based on agriculture and fishing and the education was generally confined to lessons in reading and writing along with instruction in Islam. Camels and boats were the means of transportation in the emirate and the survival itself there was a major concern. But the basic education was not sufficient for Sheix Zayed, because he displayed a huge interest for knowledge and curiosity for knowing about the way of life of other people and the environment in which they lived. He had a vision according to which everyone should freely express his ideas and viewpoints without difficulties. That would allow the one to know about other problems and perceive their views properly in order to be able to help and improve their situation. He was a transformational leader with a new vision which led to extraordinary performance in future. As a transformational leader, he was engaged in inspirational motivation led by his vision which later made others follow him. His passion and vision of living in a modern state as well as his drive to make the Emirates one nation gave him a power to start that revolution. As a hard working leader, he had the ability to challenge the status-quo; the reason of living in desert has historical roots, because he was born in this poor part of the world, but he thought that it made no sense any more, because it was possible to create better conditions for the people. Sheix Zayed lived very hard life and thats why he realized that taking the responsibility of future generations was a serious task that needed a strong type of leader. He devoted great efforts to building the state and nation and could earn the respect of the population for his wisdom, generosity and his achievements in building a prosperous economy. His wisdom, strong belief in diplomacy and generous assistance to developing countries made him respectful in the world. His life and achievements were characterized by his deep religious faith, his vision, his determination and hard work, his generosity and the way in which he devoted his life to the service of his people. Using the countrys enormous oil revenues, Sheix Zayed built up institutions such as hospitals, schools and universities and made it possible for UAE citizens to enjoy free access to them. After his death, his son continues his honest work to improve the country and the standard of living of the UAE citizens.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Ignorance Kills :: essays research papers

Any place I go, I know I will never find two skateboards that are the same. Each and every component of the skateboard makes a difference in the board’s movement. Every deck, truck, and wheel is interchangeable so there is almost an endless amount of combinations. A number of things can go wrong when riding; a person will never know when one of the components will malfunction. I was riding along one day, and like a cat pouncing on a mouse, it hits me and I suddenly realize that I am going to feel some pain. One of my wheels came off, I jerked, flew through the air, then landed on the street, all because the only day I took the time to check my wheels was the day I received the board. I can remember the first time I learned how to check and fix a skateboard. I learned from one of my good friend named James. He came to my house and we skated around for a little while. One of my wheels made a funny noise, and James said, "I think there is something wrong with your skateboard." We went into the garage and sat next to the washer and dryer. He then put the skateboard downside up, and started to examine the skateboard. He first looked at the deck to see if there was something wrong that could be making the noise. James studied the grip tape, looked at the tail and the nose, then the wood itself to see if it had been cracked or split. He then began talking to me about the trucks and their purpose; I studied and observed the hunks of metal. James then began to study the bearings and noticed that the bearings were extremely dirty. This was the cause of the noise. He told me that the bearings had to be clean. Too much friction was causing the noise. So James reached in his bag of tools, and got his mini monkey wrench and started to take off the nut that was holding the wheel to the truck. He was very precise, like a surgeon in heart surgery. With great ease he slipped off the wheel from the kingpin and placed it gentle on the floor. Once again James reached in his bag, grabbed a rag, and a special metal lubricate called Speedy Grease. Pop went the bearing as it came out of the wheel, I picked it up from the floor, pondered, and said, " hmmmm, to think that this little piece of machinery can actually effect the way the board operates, that this little piece is so important

Korematsu vs. United States :: essays research papers

Fred Korematsu was born in the U.S. in 1919. His parents were born in Japan. Since he was born in the U.S. he was a citizen. He grew up like a normal kid in California. As he grew up, his life was normal, until the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1942. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Japanese Americans were regarded as a threat to the U.S. President Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, also know as the Exclusion Order. This Order stated that any descendents or immigrants from enemy nations who might be a threat to U.S. security will report to assembly centers for Internment. There were no trials or hearings. They were forced to evacuate and many lost their homes and their businesses. Fred Korematsu refused to go. He was a U.S. citizen. Fred Korematsu was grabbed by police, handcuffed, and taken to jail. His crime -- defying President Franklin Roosevelt's order that American citizens of Japanese descent report to internment camps This action violated Korematsu’s basic constitutional rights. The fourth amendment states, "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated; and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized." The government’s actions clearly stepped over the boundaries of the constitution. As a U.S. citizen he should not have been pushed around like that. Korematsu decided to take his case to the court. Korematsu’s case first went to regional court. After being turned down there, he then went to the court of appeals. Being turned down there also, his lawyer appealed to the Supreme Court while he was held in the relocation camp. The Supreme Court decided to take his case, but then made the wrong worst decision ever. They decided to uphold the other courts’ decisions by a vote of six to three. Korematsu lost his case. After the war ended, the internment haunted the nation's conscience as well. In 1948 Congress took the first step in making amends, enacting the Japanese American Evacuation Claims Act to provide some monetary compensation to those who had lost homes and businesses because of the order. In 1980, Congress again opened the internment issue, and this time a stream of witnesses testified, many of them for the first time, of the hardships and psychological trauma they had suffered.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

That Was Then This Is Now :: essays research papers

The 70’s life style was wild, free, and uncontrolled. Teenagers did whatever they wanted. They partied, stole things, sold drugs, and participated in gang fights. Today, teenagers are more disciplined and have more restrictions. Parents and police are aware of teenager’s lies and trick’s and their participation in unsafe activities. According to S.E.Hinton’s novel, That Was Then, This Is Now, the freedom teenagers have in today’s society is comparably less than the freedoms experienced by teenagers back then. The main characters in the novel, Mark and Bryon which is compared to experiences typical teenagers today encounter. With, all the responsibilities most parents had back then, it seemed like their children weren’t a priority. Most, parents allowed their children to leave the house to do what ever the teens wanted. Teenagers could walk freely with friends with no supervision. If teenagers were injured in fights parents wouldn’t bother to care. Parents back then didn’t realize the hazards and safety concerns of the outside world. Parents would allow their children to go with friends, making no restrictions on curfew, or the activity they were taking part in. Parents were also caught up in the more important things in their life for example working long hours to put food on the table and provide shelter and clothes for their family members. In the novel Bryon realized and stated â€Å"Mom never worried about Mark and me,† Pg 105. Today, parents are more aware of the dangers that can affect their children because of information from T.V news reports and media. Parents also f ear for the safety of their children and if they are getting involved with the wrong friends so they have constant surveillance. ie. Cell phones â€Å"firefly,† and Internet Chat. The surveillance of police in the past 40 years has drastically increased. Police were unaware of the effects teenagers could have on society. Policed believed that teenagers were still kids and couldn’t cause a lot of trouble. The novel proves that police didn’t worry about patrolling or searching for trouble that may involve teenagers because Bryon said â€Å"The police didn’t know about the hippie house, it was safe,† Pg 121. Cops or police didn’t worry or think that teenager’s would do awful things to affect others or themselves. Police had less surveillance over gangs and criminals. At present, police are always patrolling the malls, streets, and schools searching for gangs and violent or drug related situations.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Interracial Marriage Essay

Interracial marriage occurs between two people from separate racial backgrounds. As a general note â€Å"African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian Americans are far less numerous than whites, and therefore have fewer opportunities to meet one another. â€Å"Most interracial marriages, therefore, involve whites, who constitute the majority of the population† (Qian, 1999, p. 579). Throughout history interracial marriage has not been recognized in the United States as a valid marriage. â€Å"One theme that has been pervasive in U. S. history and literature and that has been accompanied by a 300-year-long tradition of legislation, jurisdiction, protest, and defiance is the deep concern about, and the attempt to prohibit, contain, or deny, the presence of black-white interracial sexual relations, interracial marriage, interracial descent, and other family relations across the powerful black-white divide† (Sollors, 2000, p. 3). Interracial couples have been scrutinized, judged, and looked down upon simply for loving someone with a different skin color. In the not so distant past â€Å"a complicated area defined only by the racial difference of bride and groom was designated where family founding was considered â€Å"null and void,† and children of interracially married couples were deemed illegitimate†(Sollors, 2000, p. 3). In recent years the interracial couple has been more accepted by society. Despite this acceptance there is a number of issues interracial marriages face. Reviewing the structure of the interracial marriage will help us gain an understanding of interracial marriage. â€Å"While, in 1970, 0. 7 percent of all marriages in the continental United States were interracial, today 2 percent of all Americans marry outside their race The number of ‘mixed-race’ births have grown 26 times faster than all U. S. births† (Korgen, 1998, p. 1). Interracial couples have a variety of backgrounds and there is not a conclusive theory that suggests why people enter into interracial relationships. The basic explanation for entering an interracial relationship is physical attraction and comfortableness. Research has found â€Å"Most biracial couples say that they became attracted to each other because of compatibility† (Socha & Diggs, 1999, p. 150). Interracial couples and families expand over all socioeconomic classes. Unfortunately, â€Å"most (interracial) couples have experienced some form of racism during their relationship†(McNamara, Tempenis & Walton, 1999, p. 106). With the exception of racism â€Å"There has been very little written on the interracial family, and nothing regarding the interracial family contextualized in leisure within the leisure literature. As the number of interracial marriages increases, it will become increasingly important to understand the needs of these families† (Hibbler & Shinew, 2002). Culture throughout interracial families is distinguished by each individual couple. â€Å"In general, one of the major issues for interracial families is identifying, preserving, and explaining the cultural heritage to their children†(McNamara, Tempenis & Walton, 1999, p. 65). Studies have found that typically one culture has a stronger influence on the interracial couple. The culture with the stronger influence typically takes over in the household and that culture is more influential with the children involved in the interracial family. â€Å"Our racial structure does not yet allow biracial Americans to choose freely between their two racial heritages† (Korgen, 1998, p. 67). Interracial children often have a hard time identifying with their background. â€Å"Typically, racially mixed children will be somewhat ambivalent towards their parents’ ethnic or racial backgrounds† (McNamara, Tempenis & Walton, 1999, p. 66). Biracial children have an especially difficult time identifying themselves as teenagers. â€Å"As the child enters high school, where one’s identity begins to take a particular shape dating begins, it is easy to see how difficulties can develop for biracial children. Since their physical appearance is different, and their families are considered unusual, many peer groups reject them† (McNamara, Tempenis & Walton, 1999, p. 66). A substantial historical literature base suggests that interracial marriage may have a number of negative effects on the couples and their children. Among the suggested negative effects are anxiety, insecurity, guilt, anger, depression, and identity conflicts. On the rare occasions that biracial people and/or interracial couples are asked about their social reality, they often report that the psychological and sociological problems that they face are manifestations of racism and overall societal pressure. This suggests that, perhaps the broader concern is not the issues affecting those involved in interracial relationships, but rather the societal issue of race and the â€Å"possessive investment in whiteness†(Hibbler & Shinew, 2002). Biracial children typically identify themselves with one race and portray those characteristics. â€Å"Biracial Americans who appear white are often judged by different standards than darker mixed-race individuals when they face the racial litmus test. Those who appear white are assumed to be white by those in the larger society who are unaware of their heritage† (Korgen, 1998, p. 64). The biggest issues interracial couples and children deal with are racism and self identity. There are several coping mechanisms for interracial families deal with when experiencing racism or self identity including ignoring it, dismiss it, and normalize it, awareness, hiding, support groups, and using humor to cope with negative reactions of others. Ignoring and dismissing racism are very similar concepts. People have said that sometimes they feel they should say something in return to a racist comment but choose to ignore or dismiss it to avoid conflict. Normalizing racism occurs when people accept that they will be singled out because they are an interracial couple. An interracially married woman â€Å"Sydney Mead has this to say (about interracial marriage and portrayed racism): We are just ordinary people, an ordinary married couple and go through the same things that everybody else goes through. We have our problems you know, up and down, up and down† (McNamara, Tempenis & Walton, 1999, p. 111). Awareness is when interracial â€Å"couples are able to minimize the likelihood of encountering problems, or diminishing their impact, by being very aware of their surroundings and the places they frequent. Many feel they can significantly reduce the type and frequency of problems by simply avoiding some places and spending more time at others† (McNamara, Tempenis & Walton, 1999, p. 111). Hiding is when couples withdrawal from social interaction to avoid racism or judgment. Support groups are an excellent resource for interracial couples who have estranged family and need to build a social network of support. Humor is another coping mechanism. Many couples have learned to laugh about the interactions they have as an interracial couple. Laughter and making jokes often helps to ease the pain of racism and make light of situations (McNamara, Tempenis & Walton, 1999). While it is true that interracial marriage has changed in the eyes of society in recent years, â€Å"†A great deal of misinformation exists concerning interracial couples. (McNamara, Tempenis & Walton, 1999, p. 3). â€Å"The recent increase in interracial marriage is seen as a positive change in race relations and a decline in racism. It also indicates that racial distances have declined between whites and racial minorities because of the increase in interracial marriages with whites for all racial minorities â€Å"(Qian, 1999, p. 579). The acceptance of interracial marriage and the decline in racism is a great achievement for society. This is true but â€Å"there are still powerful forces in society that make interracial marriage difficult, unappealing to people who might be looking for a partner, or otherwise unlikely† (Socha & Diggs, 1999, p. 150). Although there has been much progress and acceptance with the concept of interracial marriages in society there is much more work and progress that needs to be completed. More research needs to be conducted to fully understand the cultural influences interracial families have. â€Å"Overall, more attention is needed for ethnic culture, especially in the family communication classroom. This general inattention can be attributed, in part, to family communication scholars’ and educators’ viewing their work from a Eurocentric perspective, which, similar to Eurocentrism in everyday life, leads to a general neglect of ethnic culture by assuming that all families are similar to those of the dominant group (i. e. , European Americans) and/or minimizing those who are different from the dominant group† (Socha & Diggs, 1999, p.210). References Hibbler, D. K. , & Shinew, K. J. (2002). Interracial Couples’ Experience of Leisure: A Social Network Approach. Journal of Leisure Research, 34(2), 135+. Retrieved April 11, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=5000783247 Korgen, K. O. (1998). From Black to Biracial: Transforming Racial Identity among Americans. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers. Retrieved April 11, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=9959531