Thursday, October 31, 2019

Pirates of the Caribbean - Part 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Pirates of the Caribbean - Part 1 - Essay Example On those lines, well-known Hollywood studio Disney made the film Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl inspired from a popular Disney theme park ride called â€Å"The Curse of the Black Pearl†. The film, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl was an interesting ride and very much liked by all section of the viewers. As the theme of the movie was based on the exciting and fun-filled journey of pirates, without complex and heavy storyline, it was a successful entertainer. Backed by strong and interesting performance by the lead actors particularly Johnny Depp, stunning visual effects and cinematography, excellent background score and fast paced as well as skilful direction by the ‘Captain’ Gore Verbinski made the film a commercial as well as critical success. Its success even brought back the likeness and demand for pirate genre movies in Hollywood after several decades. At the same time, the film was criticized for being too long, e xtended back stories and supporting cast, boisterous action set pieces with repetitive sword fights, etc. Thus, as part of critique of the movie, â€Å"Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl†, this paper will discuss in detail the various cinematic aspects which made the movie into successful blockbuster and trendsetter, and at the same time how the filmmakers could have fine tuned certain aspects which stands out oddly in otherwise flawless film. Speaking of acting performance by the lead characters, the main character of this 134 minutes long movie is Jack Sparrow, played superbly by Johnny Depp. Other characters include, Captain Barbossa acted by Geoffrey Rush, Will Turner played by Orlando Bloom, and the female protagonist Elizabeth Swann was performed by Keira Knightley. The main characters of the film were supposed to be Will and Elizabeth and although they performed well in their roles, the character of Jack Sparrow played by Johnny Depp received the mo st appreciation. Starting from his unusual physical looks and importantly unique mannerisms, Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow was the ‘spark’ that brightly ‘lit’ the film. His unusual look was primarily due to the use of black eyeliner, gold teeth and braided hair with a red bandana to add. His mannerism of a slightly intoxicated swagger, with a garbling speech and also flapping hand gestures, enticed people so much, it was aped by may people particularly children, and made into one of the iconic characters. â€Å"Arguably, Captain Jack Sparrow is the only truly iconic screen character to have yet come out of this new millennium. It's a wholly original and thrillingly eccentric creation, conjured by the famous shape-shifter Depp, as the ducking, weaving, highly superstitious pirate captain of dubious morality and personal hygiene.† (Levy, n. d.). His entrance in the movie is considered as the one of the most memorable movie entrances, as it brings out int o focus his trait of deceitfully attaining his objectives mainly through words instead of fights. Several lines said by him in this movie have become some of the famous quotable lines. He turned out to be the most attractive character of the movie, and so among the five Oscar nominations the film earned, Johnny Depp was nominated for the Best Actor (Boyar, 2007). Speaking of Depp’s acting, well-known movie critic, Roger Ebert writes in his book â€Å"Roger Ebert’s Movie Year Book† (2006) that Depp’s performance was original in every atom and so far no one has played the role of a

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Explain the contribution of Teresa of Avila to mysticism Essay Example for Free

Explain the contribution of Teresa of Avila to mysticism Essay Transfer-Encoding: chunked i »? Explain the contribution of Teresa of Avila to mysticism (35) Mysticism is an aspect of religious experience that is little understood. This term has been used to describe experiences that reveal spiritual recognition of truths beyond normal understanding, from the mildly ecstatic to the occult. It has been said that there are certain features which accompany such experiences which enable their recognition, such as a sense of freedom from the limitations of time, space and the human ego. Believers may also experience a sense of â€Å"oneness† or unity with God, accompanied with bliss and serenity. Mysticism is seen as the closest a human being can ever come to actually meeting God in this life. Mystical experiences can also be classified into two areas: extrovertive, where one experiences unity in the world through the physical senses and introvertive, where the person loses their identity as a separate individual and slowly merges into the divine unity. A key introvertive mystic is Teresa of Avila. In examining her contribution to religious experience, a good place to start is considering her background. Teresa’s background may be key to understanding her enigmatic personality and experiences. She was a woman from a wealthy background and had a turbulent start in life. When she was seven her mother died, and when she was fourteen she ran away to seek martyrdom. She had an alleged love affair with her cousin that tarnished her reputation and effectively made her unmarriable. This, coupled with her obsession with books of chivalry, may have corrupted her view of what love really is. Her father decided to send her into an Augustinian convent where she was very unhappy. This sense of rejection played a major part in her later religious experience. It was while she was in the convent that her religious experiences began. In 1554 she had a deeper conversion when she saw a statue of Jesus after he had been whipped. She was deeply moved and wrote, â€Å"I felt so keenly aware of how poorly I had thanked him for those wounds that, it seems to me, my heart broke. I threw myself down before him with the greatest outpouring of heart. † After this experience she progressed into a life of intense prayer and the Catholic practice of mortification, so much so that he motto became, Lord, either let me suffer or let me die. She was also deeply influenced by the Confessions of Augustine and other theological books – although she did not have access to the Bible. Perhaps the single most influential experience she had was when she ‘came back from the dead’ after suffering from what is thought to have been malaria. This increased her notoriety. Moving on, Teresa was encouraged to write about her experiences and her books continue to influence mysticism today. Her two main writings are Way of Perfection and The Interior Castle. Way of Perfection is considered her spiritual autobiography. Here she emphasises the importance of praying mentally as well as vocally. In sixteenth century Spain the common people were encouraged to restrict themselves to vain repetitions of learned-off prayers, Teresa rejected this in favour of a more personal relationship with God. Her superbly inspiring classic on the practice of prayer is as fresh and meaningful today as it was when she first wrote it. The Way of Perfection is a practical guide to prayer setting forth the Saints counsels and directives for the attainment of spiritual perfection. Through the entire work there runs the authors desire to teach a deep and lasting love of prayer beginning with a treatment of the three essentials of the prayer-filled life fraternal love, detachment from created things, and true humility. St. Teresas counsels on these are not only the fruit of lofty mental speculation, but of mature practical experience. In The Interior Castle she compares the soul to a castle with seven rooms, with the Trinitarian God residing in the inner room. Growth in prayer enables the believer to reach a deeper intimacy with God, symbolised by a progressive journey through the rooms of the castle. She also describes the resistance that the Devil places in various rooms, to keep believers from union with God. Throughout, she provides encouragements and advice for spiritual development. Teresa’s writings lack Biblical references due to the Spanish Inquisition restricting access to the scriptures, and this grieved her. William James identified four characteristics of religious experience: ineffability; noetic quality; transiency and passivity. All of these care clearly apparent with Teresa’s experiences. Starting with ineffability, this is when one experiences a feeling that cannot be described to anyone else. She wrote that, â€Å"the soul is fully awake as regards God, but wholly asleep as regards the things of this world. † Secondly, noetic quality is when the mystic experience gives insight into truths unobtainable by the intellect alone. This is also apparent in Theresa’s experiences: â€Å"when I return to myself, it is wholly impossible for me to doubt that I have been in God, and God in me. † Thirdly, transiency. The religious experience does not last for long, usually half an hour or so. Though they are remembered, they are imperfectly recalled, but recognised if they reoccur – the recipient usually feels a profound sense of the importance of the experience. Associated with Teresa’s raptures are always visions. Her most famous vision involved her seeing a small angel with a beautiful face holding â€Å"a long golden spear† tipped with a â€Å"little fire† which he thrust into her heart. Finally, there is passivity, when the mystic feels as if they have been taken over by a superior power. In Teresa’s case, her visions were sometimes accompanied by levitation or strange screams. It could be this aspect that led many to believe she was possessed by the devil. In terms of impact, Teresa of Avila had a profound influence on religious experience. She the first female saint of the Roman Catholic Church – the saint of headache sufferers, rather oddly. She was somewhat of a reformer, emphasising a personal relationship with God above rigid sacramentalism. In 1562 she established the strict Carmelite order in various areas of Spain and her writings continue to be studied by believers today.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Time Series Space Phase Qualitative Analysis and Application

Time Series Space Phase Qualitative Analysis and Application Dan CHICEA1 and Silviu REI2 ABSTRACT: In a coherent light scattering experiment using a laser beam and a cuvette containing a suspension the interference field has a boiling speckle aspect. Using a detector and a data acquisition system a time series can be recorded. A possible definition for the space phase of a time series is defined. The distribution of the velocities and the trajectory in the phase space are analyzed both for computer simulated samples and for recordings on two suspensions that have the average particle size measured using Dynamic Light Scattering procedure. The results reveal that the distribution of the velocities and the trajectory in the phase space can be used in a qualitative way to characterize the average particle size in suspension. KEY WORDS: time series, phase space, velocity distributions, suspensions 1 INTRODUCTION If coherent light is incident on a medium with scattering centers (SC hereafter) a non-uniformly illuminated image is obtained, currently named speckled image, having a statistical distribution of the intensity over the interference field. The speckled image appears as a result of the interference of the wavelets scattered by the SC, each wavelet having a different phase and amplitude in each location of the interference field. The image changes in time as a consequence of the SC hereafter complex motion of both sedimentation and Brownian motion [1-3]. This complex motion produces fluctuations of the image intensity in each location of the interference field, giving the aspect of â€Å"boiling speckles†. The speckled image can be observed either in free space and is named objective speckle or on the image plane of a diffuse object illuminated by a coherent source and it is named subjective speckle in [4]. The review paper [5] names the two types of speckled images as far field speckle and image speckle. In this work the objective speckle, respectively the far field speckle is considered, recorded and analysed. Although light propagation through disperse systems such as biological cells in suspensions or grouped in tissues has been studied extensively, especially using image processing techniques [6], [7] the scattering process modelling and characterization is not straightforward. Recording the far field fluctuations on a certain location using a detector and a data acquisition system will produce a time series. Time series have been extensively analyzed using different procedures. A widely used class of procedures start with the Fourier transform to produce the power spectrum density (PSD). The shape of the PSD depends of two parameters. Finding them using a least squares fit will provide information on the size and size distribution of the particles in suspension. Just some of the papers that describe in detail and report results found using the above mentioned procedure, currently named Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), are [8-12]. An alternative procedure to analyse time series, whether produced by a detector and a data acquisition system in a light scattering experiment or extracted from a recording using a charged coupled device (CCD) [13], in a qualitative manner, using the patterns of the time signal in the space phase, is presented in the next section. 2 SPACE PHASE The space phase (SP hereafter) is the collection of all states for a system. A time series is actually a vector x(i), i=1à ·n, containing the collection of values, intensity if we record a far interference field in a light scattering experiment, and n is the total number of recorded values. Typically, the values are recorded at equal time intervals, Δt=1/fs, where fs is the sampling rate of the data acquisition system. We can define a velocity at time t, hence corresponding to the value x(i) of the time series, as the variation rate of the time signal at that moment: (1) We therefore find a pair of [x(i), v(i)] for each value in the time series, a total of n-1 pairs. Each pair represents a point in the 2 dimensional space, which we can define as the space phase (SP) for the time series. First a simple algorithm to generate in a realistic manner time series that were recorded during a DLS experiment was established. A time series, as results from the Fourier analysis of the recorded data [8-11], can be modelled as an overlapping of harmonic functions of different frequencies. Moreover, the smaller the particles in suspension are, the bigger the turnover point is [8] in the PSD. With these facts in mind, a program to generate the time series with a sampling rate fs was written and used. The program generates a certain number nf (50 for the work reported here) of amplitudes ai in the range [1, 10] using a uniform random distribution, with a random initial seed, computed using the system clock. It also generates nf frequencies fi in the range [f1, f2] and initial phases φi in the range [0, 2Ï€] and the vector containing the moments ti with the desired number of values, equally spaced at Δt. Each value xi is computed using equation (2): (2) In [8-12] it is stated that the smaller the particles are, the bigger the frequencies are, therefore an attempt to simulate experimentally recorded time series for different particles in suspension must have different frequency ranges. Several time series were used in the simulation presented in this work and two of them were selected. We call the first s1, having the 50 frequencies generated in the range 100-200 Hz and the second s2 with the frequencies in the range 2000-2500 Hz. Each series lasted for 2 seconds and fs was 10000 Hz, thus having 20000 values each. Figure 1:A 0.5 s sequence of each series. The blue line is for s1 and the red line for s2. A plot of a 0.5 s sequence of each series is presented in Fig. 1. It reveals a faster variation of the s2 time series than in s1, as expected. The SP for the two time series, s1 and s2 is presented in Figs. 2 and 3. We notice the big difference in the SP shape. S1 that contains slower fluctuations is elliptic closer to a circle for this axes range selection while s2 that contains faster fluctuations is a prolonged ellipsis. The distribution of the velocity values v, in SP, for the two series, each value calculated with equation (1), is presented in Fig.4. We notice the difference between the two distributions, laying in being wider for the s2 time series containing faster fluctuations. Moreover, we notice that the distribution is symmetrical in both situation and the resemblance with the Gaussian is very good. Figure 2:The SP for s1. Figure 3:The SP for s2. Figure 4:The distribution of the velocity values v, in SP, for the two series. The blue line is for s1 and the red line is for s2. 3 RESULTS and discussion The results of the qualitative analysis presented in the previous section were compared with experimental results. A water sample from a river was extracted after a heavy raining and was analyzed using the DLS procedure described in details in [8 12]. The DLS results reveal that the average diameter was 0.134 ÃŽ ¼m. We name this time series rw1. After 24 h the sample was analyzed again and the average diameter was found to be 0.635 ÃŽ ¼m. We name this time series rw2. The average diameter increased because the inorganic suspensions, like sand and silt, which have the biggest concentration and smaller diameter, became sediment, while the organic particles having the density closer to the water density remained suspended. Fig. 5 reveals the SP for the experimental rw1 time series and Fig. 6 for the experimental rw2 series having bigger particles in suspension. Examining the two imagines we notice that the SP of rw1 appears to have more domains, as there are at least two groups of particles in suspension, the inorganic particles, having bigger concentration and the organic particles, which remained suspended. Figure 5:The SP for rw1. Figure 6:The SP for rw2. The other feature of the SP that appears to present differences was the velocity distribution. The distribution for the velocity distributions of rw1 and rw2 time series recorded during a DLS experiment are presented in Fig. 7. Examining the velocity distributions we notice that the distribution of rw2 is wider than the distribution of rw1. Moreover, we notice that the distributions cannot be viewed as simple Gaussian distributions but as a complex overlap of several distributions and this can be the result of the fact that the particles in suspension, both in rw1 and rw2 have a complex size distribution rather than a mono dispersed distribution, therefore the simple observation from Fig. 4 does not stand in all situations. Figure 7:The distribution of the velocity values v, in SP, for the two series. The blue line is for rw2 and the red line is for rw1. 4 CONCLUSION The SP was defined for a time series as the collection of all possible states. Several time series were generated using a computer code written for this purpose. The time series were the sum of 50 harmonic functions with random amplitudes, phases and frequencies, the last being generated in a certain interval. Two series with frequencies in the intervals 100 – 200 Hz and 2000 – 2500 Hz were generated starting from the assumption that the frequency of the fluctuations in a DLS time series strongly depends of the suspended particle size. A scatter plot in the SP and a velocity distribution are presented for each of the two samples. The simulation reveals that the plot of the SP can give a qualitative image about the particles assumed to be in suspension. The smaller the particles are and the narrower the particle size distribution is (reflected in smaller frequency range), the more prolonged the image in the SP is. Moreover, smaller particles (hence bigger frequencies) produce a wider velocity distribution. A narrow frequency interval produces a symmetrical distribution resembling very well a Gaussian. These qualitative conclusions are confirmed in part by the results of the same procedures applied on experimentally recorded time series during a DLS experiment. Using the two river water samples, we found the shape of the image of the SP appears to exhibit different domains if there are more types of particles in suspension. And more, the velocity distribution appears to be the sum of several distributions, under the same circumstances. These conclusions suggest a simple procedure that can be used in monitoring the evolution of the particle size in a suspension, as in sedimentation of particles in rivers, colloid aggregation or biological fluids. The shape of the space phase and the width and shape of the velocity distribution can provide qualitative information on the distribution of the average suspended particle diameter. Work is scheduled to simulate the time series in a more realistic manner, considering a complex size distribution of the suspended particles. Here are mentioned the institutes from where are the authors (Style 1, Times New Roman, 10 points, left, normal)[R1] 1 Professor, Ph.D., Faculty of Sciences, Department of Environmental Sciences, Physics, Physical Education and Sports, University â€Å"Lucian Blaga†, Sibiu, Romania 2 Physicist, M.S., Group Leader, Continental Automotive Systems, Sibiu, Romania E-mail: [emailprotected]; [emailprotected] 5 REFERENCES à ¢- º Dan Chicea, Coherent Light Scattering on Nanofluids Computer Simulation Results, Applied Optics, Vol. 47, No. 10, pp. 1434-1442, (2008). à ¢- º Dan Chicea, A Simple Algorithm to Simulate Nanoparticles Motion in a Nanofluid, U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series A, Vol. 76, Iss. 2, pp: 199-206, (2014). à ¢- º Dan Chicea, Radu Chicea, Liana Maria Chicea, Using Chodin to Simulate Coherent Light Scattering Dynamics on Biological Suspensions, Romanian Journal of Biophysics, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 157–170, (2010). à ¢- º Joseph.W. Goodman, Statistical Properties of Laser Speckle Patterns, in Laser speckle and related phenomena, Vol.9 in series Topics in Applied Physics, J.C. Dainty, Ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo, (1984). à ¢- º David Briers, Laser Doppler, Speckle and Related Techniques for Blood Perfusion Mapping and Imaging, Physiol. Meas. 22, R35–R66, (2001). à ¢- º David Briers, Donald D. Duncan, Evan Hirst, Sean J. Kirkpatrick, Marcus Larsson, Wiendelt Steenbergen, Tomas Stromberg, and Oliver B. Thompson, Laser speckle contrast imaging: theoretical and practical limitations, Journal of Biomedical Optics 18(6), 066018(1-9), (2013). à ¢- º Dan Chicea, Biospeckle Size and Contrast Measurement Application in Particle Sizing and Concentration Assessment, Romanian Journal of Physics, Vol. 52, Numbers 5-7, pp. 581-587, (2007). à ¢- º Dan Chicea, A Study of Nanoparticle Aggregation by Coherent Light Scattering, Current Nanoscience, vol. 8 issue 6, pp. 259-265, 2012, doi: à ¢- º Dan Chicea, Revealing FE3O4 Nanoparticles Aggregation Dynamics Using Dynamic Light Scattering, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications vol. 3, no. 12, pp. 1299 – 1305, (2009). à ¢- º Dan Chicea, Nanoparticles And Nanoparticle Aggregates Sizing by DLS and AFM, D. Chicea, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications vol. 4, issue 9, pp. 1310 – 1315, (2010). à ¢- º Dan Chicea, Emil Indrea, Carmen Monica Cretu, Assesing FE3O4 Nanoparticle Size by DLS, XRD AND AFM, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced MaterialsVol: 14,Issue: 5-6, pp: 460-466, (2012). à ¢- º Dan Chicea, Revealing FE3O4 Nanoparticle Aggregation in Aqueous Suspension by Nonconventional Optical Methods, Journal of Optoelectronics And Advanced Materials Vol. 15, No. 9 10, pp. 982 – 988, (2013). à ¢- º Dan Chicea, Application of Whole Blood Coherent Light Scattering Dynamics Analysis Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials,Vol. 10, No. 8, pp. 2163-2167, (2008). 6 notation The following symbols are used in this paper: 1 ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING, VOL. 7,ISSUE 1/2009 [R1]Trebuie facut un review la povestea asta !!!

Friday, October 25, 2019

Dogs Essay -- Shelter Dogs

The results of the study scaled the dogs on five dimensions of behavior temperament: playfulness, curiosity/fearfulness, chase-proneness, sociability, and aggressiveness (De Palma et al., 2005). Dogs living in rescue shelters were assessed as demonstrating a low degree of playfulness, showing distraction by the environment when being enticed to play. The sheltered dogs also scored low on curiosity but, high on fearful behavior. The cortisol levels for the sheltered dogs were significantly higher than the cortisol levels of canines living in households, indicative of stress and anxiety associated with shelter lifestyle. Shelter dogs showed a low proportion of chase-proneness supported by demonstrations of low physical activity and excitability. Shelter dogs were assessed as exhibiting low levels of sociability toward conspecies but, a high sociability when concerning humans (De Palma et al., 2005). This trend was also demonstrated when observing levels of aggressiveness; the dogs seemed more antagonistic toward conspecies than humans. It should be noted that shelter dogs displayed rare bouts of hostile behavior and results were supported by little data. It is interesting to find a set of shared characteristics existing in canines living in rescue shelters. Such findings lead one to speculate if the shelter environment may be partly responsible for inducing behavior characteristics? After all, dogs living in shelters are subjected to a variety of stressors including isolation from attachment figures, loss of control, intense noise, and a multitude of other distressing stimuli (Tuber, Miller, Caris, Halter, Linden & Hennessy, 1999). A dog enduring such a harsh environment is likely to acquire abnormal social behavior, retarded ... the rescue staff and volunteers to be proficiently skilled in executing canine behavioral therapies. As a result, shelters would be able to help community members eradicate problem behaviors and improve the bond with their pets. This would allow shelters to become a first resource, not just a final solution. Part Two Review of Personal Experiences Since as far back as I can remember, I have always loved dogs! As a young girl, I would often beg my parents to let me adopt one, but they refused. My father was not keen on dogs and had a low tolerance for their typical behaviors. I was determined to get a dog, despite my parents’ denial. Whenever I would encounter a dog unaccompanied by its owner, I would take it home with me. When I was confronted by my parents, I would cry and make up some elaborate story as to why we had to â€Å"rescue† that dog.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Art as Expression Essay

The question of what art is cannot be properly answered without asking why art is. Prior to the advent of the written language, art was used as a means of communication, and in some ways, written language is in its own regard, art. Art, then, must be an expression of meaning by the artist, or potentially by the client that artist created the artwork for, but this assumption is altogether too broad. Art is not exclusively a private expression because it is left open to interpretation by the individual who looks upon it, and as such art can then be categorized as the representation through a variety of mediums, of whatever the beholder or artist thinks it should be. Which poses a greater question – is something art if the individual who designed it had no intended message? Or visa versa – is something art if the consumer of the artform does not perceive any message? I was at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art about a two years ago, and they had some very abstract pieces on display, all of which brought forth in me at least some semblance of a response, except for a piece by Robert Rauschenberg, call White Painting [three panel], that began a philosophical debate between my brother and I because I refused to call the â€Å"painting† art. To me, there was no way to interpret the three panels of white, they were simply empty canvases that Rauschenberg sold for substantially more than he bought them for. No soul, or emotion went into the piece and as I understand art, that does not qualify as any more than a man playing a abstraction crazy consumer culture for the fool. To backtrack, art in my eyes is the true expression of an artist to the consumer, for the purpose of provocation; art has to make something well up in a person, even if it is not enjoyment, even if it is sorrow, or anger. Art is the way we have always talked to each other as people, and the pure aesthetic painters and songwriters of the last century do not produce art. Art is emotion and passion mixing into something for others to partake in; there is no private art, there is only art that no one else has applied their own perceptions to yet.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Failure of Gatsby’s American Dream

The Failure of Gatsby’s American Dream In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s famous novel, The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby is portrayed as being an admirable, wealthy, kind, and genuinely impressive man. However, that being said, he is also portrayed as pretentious, deceptive, criminal, and most importantly to the plot, completely insatiable. Even though the novel’s narrator, Nick Carraway, heavily sympathizes with Gatsby, he has many character flaws that ultimately assure the failure of his â€Å"dream†, and even lead to his untimely demise. The first bit from the novel that demonstrates Gatsby’s inability to be content, is the fact that he is not Jay Gatsby. It is learned about halfway through the novel that Jay Gatsby from California is actually a man names James Gatz, who comes from Chicago. The fact that Gatsby fabricated his past and lives his life under an alias shows that he is unable to be content even with his own origins. To go through the trouble of making up an entire past for himself rather than simply revealing the truth shows that either he was too ashamed to tell of his family for his financial background, or as is more likely, he found it to be boring. By very nature, Gatsby craves excitement and adventure. In order to make himself seem more exciting and adventurous, he became Jay Gatsby. After examining that, it’s best to look at Gatsby’s chosen vocation. Although Gatsby claims to have his money from being born of a wealthy family from the West, he is later revealed to have earned his money from the illegal business of manufacturing and selling bootlegged liquor. Seeing Gatsby use criminal means to achieve wealth and the â€Å"American Dream† demonstrates how desperately he wants to be taken seriously. Using his fake persona and fool-proof criminal processes to get wealth and social status means to him that most certainly, he could not be looked down upon or judged for being born of a lower class family and not having any of his own wealth to speak of. Working in the criminal underground also means, however, that he would make very few social connections, and have few true friends, bringing me to my next point. Gatsby desperately longs for personal relationships. This is apparent in everything from the way he desperately clings to his love of Daisy to his willingness to allow Ewing Kilspringer, whom Gatsby barely knows, to sponge off him and virtually live at his mansion. Since the adventure and excitement of his fake persona and his criminal lifestyle are not enough to satisfy Gatsby, he figures that the only way to obtain true happiness would be through interactions with people, who can be around him and always admire his accomplishments and somehow complete him. However, Gatsby is unable to make social connections because of his own social awkwardness, which as becomes more and more apparent, he compensates for with his wealth and possessions. The best example of this is Gatsby’s parties, in which the guests all have an excellent time, and know of Gatsby, but know almost nothing about him, even to the point where nobody seems to know where he even came from. Gatsby’s awkwardness and fear of real people causes him to close himself off even at his own parties, and hope that somehow the good time people have will make them admire him more (which, oddly, seems to work). The desire for intimate personal relationships becomes Gatsby’s own version of â€Å"The American Dream† which manifests itself most strongly in his â€Å"love† for Daisy Buchanan. Daisy and Gatsby were briefly lovers before Gatsby was sent off to the First World War. Having been the last person who Gatsby felt any true emotions toward, Daisy becomes the object of his desire, affections, and now, his energy and will to achieve. Gatsby’s dream however is crushed by the realization that Daisy is not the ideal person who he thinks she is. Since Gatsby is a lover of fantasy and exaggeration, he holds all people to an impossible standard of how he thinks people should be, even himself. The real Daisy is almost too shallow to really love, as is most evidenced by the way she is so emotionally moved by some silk shirts that Gatsby has, calling them the most beautiful things she has ever seen. Despite the fact that Daisy is not who Gatsby wants her to be, he clings to her, either realizing his impossible standard, or so far into his delusion that he is unable to see her as anything but ideal despite her major character flaws. Beginning an affair, the two plot to stand up to Daisy’s abusive husband Tom, and run away together. When the plan finally has the chance to come to fruition, however, Daisy is unable to tell Tom that she does not love him. The reason for this is not because Gatsby is undeserving, but because he is so insatiable, and unstoppably ambitious to the point that he doesn’t know what he truly wants, that he is unable to actually achieve anything that might make a true difference in his life. Tom on the other hand, while rude and pushy and genuinely unkind, knows exactly hat he wants and has no problems in simply taking it. After a car crash kills Tom’s lover, Myrtle, Gatsby attempts one more act of gallantry in order to prove his worth and determination. He takes the blame for Myrtle’s death in an attempt to save Daisy, who was really to blame. As Gatsby stops to finally take in all that he has accomplished, and finally appreciate what he has (symbolized by him f inally using his pool) he is murdered by George Wilson, Myrtle’s husband who then takes his own life. Oddly enough, after Wilson’s murder/suicide, the reader is then struck by the striking similarities between Wilson and Gatsby. They both tired of being taken advantage of, they both loved a woman who was not real, and they both longed for true companionship. The only difference is that one of them was able to achieve greatly on a more worldly level, which despite his large personal shortcomings, made him into that person of his own creation that he had so desperately wanted to be: The Great Gatsby.

Mary Whiton Calkins †Important Women in Psychology

Mary Whiton Calkins – Important Women in Psychology Free Online Research Papers Women in Psychology: Mary Whiton Calkins As psychology was developing into a science unto itself in the later part of the 1890s, universities were being established all over the world at an astronomical pace. Although the subject of psychology was taught in several different forms, the curriculum was not available to women and minorities at the graduate level. In fact, one of the predominant theories of the period was that women were intellectually inferior to men and higher forms of learning could prove hazardous to the health for a delicate female (Goodwin, 2008). During this period a few exceptionally intelligent and determined individuals did manage to make a name for themselves in spite of the odds they faced. Mary Whiton Calkins is one such individual. In a time when women were not only thought to be inferior, but were barred from most institutions of higher education, Mary Whiton Calkins persevered and became one of the most widely known women in the history of psychology (Goodwin, 2008). Background The eldest of five children, Mary Whiton Clakins, was born on March 30, 1863 in Hartford Connecticut. Mary’s father, Wolcott Calkins, was a Presbyterian minister who believed strongly in a well rounded education. Wolcott frequently took his family to Europe and Mary was fluent in German as well as several other languages at a young age. The Calkins moved to Newton, Massachusetts in 1880 where Mary graduated from high school (Hutchinson Directory, 2009). After graduating from Newton High School, Mary entered Smith College in 1882. She was able to attend for one year but the death of her younger sister forced her to remain at home and tutor her younger siblings the following year. She eventually graduated from Smith having majored in the classics and philosophy. Soon after her graduation from Smith, the Calkins family took another trip to Europe where Mary met Abby Leach, an instructor at Vassar, who encouraged her to become a teacher. Mary had been studying and tutoring her siblings in Greek and upon her return to the United States she was recruited by Wellesley College where she worked for the next 42 years (Hutchinson Directory, 2009). During her time at Wellesley the leaders of the college decided to offer a new course providing a laboratory approach to psychology. Although Calkins had not been trained in psychology, she expressed an interest in teaching the course and the college board gave her the position provided that she take a year off from her teaching schedule to study psychology. Thus began Mary’s difficult journey toward higher education in the highly segregated atmosphere of the early 1900s (Goodwin, 2008). After looking into several universities, Mary applied to Harvard. Harvard officials allowed her to attend lectures given by the brilliant William James and Josiah Royce (who both supported her application to Harvard) as an unofficial â€Å"guest† but nothing more (Goodwin, 2008). In her autobiography Mary notes that the male members of James’ psychology class â€Å"dropped away in the early weeks† of the fall semester leaving her and James quite literally alone by a library fire. She studied James’ new book The Principles of Psychology with the author himself with the added privilege of his personal insight and explanation. During this same year (1890) Mary was fortunate to work in the laboratory under Edmund Sanford where she conducted dream studies that further sparked her interest in the concept of the unconscious mind, leading to a paper she wrote with Dr. James on ‘association’ which became her man focus for many years (Calkins, p. 1, 192 5). In 1894 William James recruited Hugo Munsterberg to run the lab at Harvard. Mary was still teaching at Wellesley but worked part-time in Munsterberg’s laboratory conducting the brilliant experiments on association that would eventually become her first published work (Goodwin, 2008). Theoretical Perspective Mary Whiton Calkins’ most prominent theoretical perspective was the concept of self-psychology. Calkins defines self-psychology as the study of conscious persons or selves. This concept is a result of the influence of William James who asserted in Principles of Psychology that â€Å"introspective observation is what we have to rely on first and foremost and always† for the observation of the self. The basal forms of this concept are the subject, the object, and the relation between the object and subject. Calkins contended that all consciousness is personal, and further, it was impossible to define the â€Å"self† because these qualities or associations are always in flux and unique to every individual. Calkins distinguished self-psychology from other forms of psychology such as psychological atomism because they did not include a conscious self component (McDonald, 2007). Mary Whiton Calkins, like James, believed that the individual’s constant scrutiny of the self through perception and association was the main function of the mind. This was not merely an intellectual conviction, but a moral and spiritual conviction as well. Mary’s theories of self-psychology were not well accepted in the academic atmosphere of her time, yet she continued to champion these theories because of her strong moral views about human interconnection (Wentworth, 1997). She was a strong opposer of the sexist belief that women were intellectually inferior to men and expressed those views many times throughout her career (Furumoto, 1980). Contributions to the Field of Psychology Although Mary Whiton Calkins was never officially recognized by Harvard University officials for her doctorate work, she made important contributions during her experiments on association and memory. Calkins conducted several experiments using variations of numbers and colors in which she investigated the effects of frequency, primacy, and vividness on associative memory. She concluded from her research that frequency was by far the most important factor in effective memory association (Goodwin, 2008). These techniques are now referred to as the paired-associate techniques. In 1891Calkins established a psychology laboratory at Wellesley while she was instructing a psychology course in the Philosophy Department. Following in the footsteps of one of her primary mentors, William James, Calkins turned to philosophy again in the latter part of her career becoming an Associate Professor of Psychology and Philosophy at Wellesley in 1895. Calkins published many of her papers from her work on association in Munsterberg’s lab during this period and her first book, An Introduction to Psychology, was published in 1901 (Furumoto, 1980). Conclusion In a time when women were thought to be mentally inferior to men, Mary Whiton Calkins proved that this sexist conception was far from the truth. Because of her father’s intense devotion to the proper education of his children, Mary was educated far beyond the standard of the time, thus proving that if given the opportunity women can achieve equal academic levels to men. Mary was also fortunate in being accepted by great minds like William James, Josiah Royce, and Hugo Munsterberg who treated her as an equal and championed her applications for graduate work. Harvard University never officially granted Mary Whiton Calkins her PhD. Radcliffe, the women’s version of Harvard offered to award her one, but she would not have it from any other school than the one at which she had earned it, explaining to the Dean of Radcliffe that doing so would only allow Harvard to continue to be discriminatory toward women (Furumoto, 1980). This decline to accept the PhD from Radcliffe is further of example of Mary Whiton Calkins’ strong moral resolve. Despite having been denied her PhD from Harvard, Calkins’ professional and scholarly achievements led to several honors such as being ranked 12th on a list of the 50 leading psychologists in 1903, a Doctor of Letters degree from Columbia University in 1909, and a Doctor of Laws degree from Smith College in 1910. Mary Whiton Calkins was elected the first female president of the American Psychological Association (APA) in 1905 and in 1918 was elected as the first female president of the American Philosophical Association. It has been said that a woman has to work twice as hard to progress half as far as a man in modern society. In the time of Mary Whiton Calkins a woman had to work three times as hard, be twice as smart, and more brave and outspoken than any other woman around her. Mary did far more for the world than just contribute to the fields of philosophy and psychology, she paved the way for future female students, who will continue to disprove the old theories of the intellectual inferiority of women. References Calkins, M. W. (1930). A history of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 1, pp. 31-62). Worcester, MA: Clark University Press. Retrieved April 18, 2010. Furumoto, L. (1980). Mary Whiton Calkins (1863-1930). Psychology of Women Quarterly, Vol. 5(1) Fall 1980. Human Sciences Press. Retrieved from Ebsco database April 18, 2010. Goodwin, J.C. (2008). A history of modern psychology, (Third Edition) John Wiley Sons, Inc. McDonald, D. N. (2007). Differing concepts of personhood within the psychology and philosophy of Mary Whiton Calkins. Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, Vol. 43, No. 4, Indiana University Press. The Hutchinson Directory of Scientific Biography (2009). Helicon. Retrieved April 18, 2010. Wentworth, P. (1999). The moral of her story: Exploring the philosophical and religious commitments of Mary Whiton Calkins’ self-psychology. History of Psychology, Vol.2 (2), May 1999. Pp. 119-131. Educational Publishing Foundation. Retrieved from Ebsco database April 18, 2009. Research Papers on Mary Whiton Calkins - Important Women in PsychologyThree Concepts of PsychodynamicPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XHip-Hop is ArtTrailblazing by Eric AndersonStandardized TestingResearch Process Part OneEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenQuebec and Canada

Sunday, October 20, 2019

buy custom Emotional Tone of Virtual Team essay

buy custom Emotional Tone of Virtual Team essay Today, it is believed that leaders serve as the coordinators and the handlers of the emotional tone of virtual team. It is important for the members of the virtual teams to adopt an automatic style of handling all types of tasks whether they are important or not. Therefore the leader is required to pay more attention towards the maintenance of team work. The numbers of leaders are not limited to one in virtual teams. Researches have proved that virtual teams can functions even with more than one leader. The reason for this is that the parts of the people are many and each must be adopted by one another. Team members consider perceived amounts of communication, intelligence and encouraging and authoritarian behaviors to identify emergent leaders. Only few researches conduct in field to about the virtual leadership show that effectiveness of virtual teams can only be maintained by adopting an attempt to mentor the characteristics of both transformational and instrumental leadership. (S urinder, Jerry, Suling, Bruce, 2000) However, one but be little warned the outcomes of the field study of virtual leadership is not quite statistically valid because mostly the teams are students are used to collect data rather than organizational teams. Most of the work done on virtual leadership is done by using students virtual teams for data collection. However, these teams are usually regarded as not being completely virtual rather they possess some attitudes of virtual teams. (Surinder, Jerry, Suling, Bruce, 2000) A study was conducted by Alex to find out the confirmation of virtual team structures, trainings of different leadership styles and the complexity of tasks upon the consequences of virtual teams. Most of the researches on the virtual leadership style are done side by side. Most of these claim the success and effectiveness of transformational leadership rather than transactinal leadership. However, adaptation of transformational leadership style is not appreciable and suggestible in case of virtual communication with the help of computers. (Alex J. Barelka, 2007) The structural configurations, leadership styles and task complexity of different teams will be influenced by the quantity, quality and leader centrality. This in turn will serve as a mediating agent and will affect performance of the team and will affect the outcomes of the teams affecting the satisfaction of the leaders. Information Technology has shifted the teams to move from their former traditional existence of face to face to the electronic groups. And have given opportunity of communicating with each other via video teleconferences, e-mails and mobile cellular phone conversations. (Alex J. Barelka, 2007) Virtual teams can occur at remote areas because they do not need to maintain a union. Virtual team provides the organizations with an opportunity to become more flexible and combine the sharp people together to perform the duties of the organization in a cheaper and quicker manner. Most of the studies conducted in the favor of virtual teams are upon similar to the researches conducted under other studies It is important for the organizations operating at the international level to maintain their branch office abroad. They can integrate easily in the form of virtual teams by utilizing the information technology. In this way they will take benefit of the global marketplace more easily and in a more coordinative manner. (Alex J. Barelka, 2007) Virtual leadership can be comprehended via aspects It is significant to understand the impact of change in collectedness upon the team processes. It is crucial to take in to consideration and study the immpact if different types of leadership. To understate what leads to the change in the perceived leadership effectiveness in a virtual team in a situation when the task is complex. (Alex J. Barelka, 2007) Most of the studies conducted in the favor of virtual teams are upon similar to the researches conducted under other studies. The behaviors and traits of leadership that are not the same for the virtual environment. Three areas were examined by Alex these are The implications of different types of virtual structures on effectiveness, the impact of the task complexity in both collocated and virtual team configuration and it will examine the impact of different types of leadership behaviors on effectiveness. (Alex J. Barelka, 2007) Laura conducted a study the cause of different styles of leadership and communication media on team processes and outcomes. The data was collected using face to face and text based chat processes. The purpose of the study was to find out how transformational and transactional leadership affects the interacting styles of virtual leadership an the consequences of this interaction was also analyzed it consisted of team cohesion and task performance. The results of the study showed that the different styles of leaderships do not have any impact upon the interacting styles of team members or the results of such interactions. The results showed that interactions in case of face to face communication is higher as compared to video conferencing and chat teams but in case of video conferencing the interaction was much higher than the chat teams however, such type of communication was not very much important maintaining good task performance. However it was also found that virtual teams work a s effectively and cohesively as do the traditional teams. (Alex J. Barelka, 2007) Buy custom Emotional Tone of Virtual Team essay

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Final exam Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Final exam - Term Paper Example The major depiction of the style by the building is shown on the columns, which were a common feature in the neoclassical style. Other things that shows this style include the presence of a dome and the combination of color and other things such as the landscape. The brushstroke in this painting, which are relatively thin and the light which changes qualities within the painting are some of the reasons why the artwork reflects the impressionism style. For example, one of the most distinct light element in this case is the sun, which is in different forms while at the sky and while in the water. The use of color in this painting also shows the impressionism style since it is mostly analogous or related. The painting is a neoclassical style mainly because of its beauty and its emphasis on the figure that are of central importance. This is mainly enabled through a dark background and more clear figures of the foreground figures. Organization of the painting, the details and the clarity of each element also shows that the painting is a neoclassical painting in terms of style. The style is shown in the painting because of the painter’s use of geometry shapes and angles. The style is also depicted through the inclusion of nudity since all the women in the painting are

Friday, October 18, 2019

System of Inquiry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

System of Inquiry - Essay Example The CEO, the Board consisting of nine members, are the guiding lights for the company of sound ethical conduct. At the pinnacle of HP’s hierarchical order is HP’s Board that comprises nine members and the CEO The watch dog for ethical behavior is the Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer. He heads the Ethics and Compliance Committee. A Compliance Council has been constituted for risk assessment and to enforce development training. It is further assisted by Global SBC team. All production, management, marketing and sales heads are supported by the SBC team to help them do their activities in conformance to Standards of Business Conduct. HP Legal, HP Global Trade, HP Government Affairs, and HP Corporate Communications are other departments that lend lateral support to the company for good governance and ethical conduct. Ever since its inception in 1939, HP faced its worst ever ethical crisis in 2006. The Chairman, Patricia Dunn had to resign in wake of charges leveled against her, and some Board members, for spying ( Although, the company is fast on the track to retrieve its lost reputation, criminal charges against her persist. If such a scandal could exist at the top, definitely it must have made ripple effect flowing downwards. The Board has asked its member G. Thomson Kennedy to review HP’s compliance to legal and ethical behavior. John Hoak has been administered the charge of Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer ( Bart M. Schwartz, a former U.S. prosecutor is leading an independent enquiry to review company’s ethics program. Effective checks and balances have been introduced in the top order to scrutinize their work. A worldwide initiative for training i nto ethics has begun and in 2006, 95% of employees of HP participated in it

Research report Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Report - Research Paper Example strategy plan for a Spanish based engineering company, which would aid it in entering into new business markets and likewise expand business (DPCDSB, 2015). The company is a renowned engineering company of Spain, which is operating in excess of 40 years. The company is highly experienced in electrical installations, industrial building, cooling, ventilating and heating. Moreover, the company is also engaged in producing fire fighting equipments, piping of chemicals and various liquid products, petroleum storage products as well as various types of foundations and structures. The company possesses an in-depth knowledge and experiences about various industrial sectors including oil, chemicals, food and beverage, plastic transformation, ceramic and iron and steel industries. In order to operate in the competing environment, it becomes necessary for the company to acquire detailed information regarding the market that would help in ensuring long-term sustainability and most vitally acquiring a better scope of market expansion opportunity. Since it is an engineering company, it has been able to acquire various technical as well as regulatory aspects of engineering that are of high demand in Spain. However, the company deals in various areas that include: The mission of the company is to acquire leadership position in the management as well as development of infrastructure along with other services. Apart from this, the company intends to create value for the stakeholders and at the same time focus on making greater level of sustainable development (Enterprise Canada Network, 2015). However, the vision of the company is to overcome various challenges of making sustainable development in the business activities in order to provide a better life for the present and future generation people (Enterprise Canada Network, 2015). The primary organizational goal of the company is to provide premium quality services to the customers through an effective customer support that

Quantitative demand Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Quantitative demand - Research Paper Example If the price of cigarettes increases, not only will the quantity of the cigarettes fall but simultaneously it may also affect other commodities. The aspect of income elasticity will also be incorporated here, which will show us whether income and demand for cigarettes move together or not. Lately the world economy has been more concerned about the harmful effects of smoking. Though, from time immemorial, people are trying to resort to drugs or other narcotics, this gives them a tranquilizing effect in their minds. One of the most common intoxicants is a cigarette, which serves as the escape route from their harsh realities of life. In the recent times, smoking has taken the shape of an epidemic, which is affecting not only people’s minds but also their lives. Many steps have been taken, such as campaigns showing how smoking is injurious to heath or health programs to restrict the usage of cigarettes per day. In spite of this, people are reckless to quit smoking, as they find no perfect substitutes of it. In regard to this the governments of all the countries are starting a new tax regime especially US government. This consists of an increase in the price level of cigarettes by the imposition of proportional tax or a lump sum tax. By proportional tax structure, a particular rate of tax is imposed on price of cigarettes. In respect to the US governments the tax structure usually takes the form of excise or sales tax. Here, a fixed rate of cents is imposed on the price of cigarettes. Let the tax rate‘t’ be imposed on the price of cigarettes, ‘p’, the new price is now ‘p (1+t)’. According to the law of demand, the price and demand of a normal good are negatively related. Here, cigarette is a normal good since with the fall in price, smoking becomes more attractive and popular among the individuals. The following diagram shows the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Marketing 2500 24 hours Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing 2500 24 hours - Essay Example The paper discusses demand-supply, expected sales & market share analysis, analysis of market entry mode, & strategies and estimated budget. All the analysis has base on extensive literature, case studies, theoretical modes and sales tables and curves. The statics results reflect well and car marketers from many companies both local and foreign are having an advantage. Most large automotive industries are currently either investing much in China or developing new small car models preferred by most families in China. Companies such Toyota, Ford Motor, Honda, General Motors are presently investing in China through joint ventures with the Chinese counterparts effectively thus increasing market share competition. Unlike the large international automotive industries, China’s one is fragmented. Most cars are small ones with the huge companies producing up to 37% of the total output. However, China’s current cost of labor is significantly low and the government has referred to the situation as a pillar industry one with high growth potential. The car industry in China continues to be attractive because the tariffs reduction in the industry intends to continue too much lower in the next few years. The government also plans to put car import quotas. Price decrease in China is causing many other auto companies to reduce their prices consequently. In the next few years, companies in China are to face an over production of up to 20% of cars. China has expectation to host more than 140 million cars on its roads; this is much more than the present hence forcing the government to improve the transport infrastructure and services. Background The factory began a s a truck building factory producing their first Jie Fang CA-10 in 1956 by the assistance of Russian Soviet Union. The company began its operations with only 39 employees who travelled to Stalin Truck Factory to receive their learning experience and instructions on how to build and construct trucks. The co mpany is located at Changchun a city that was identified by the Soviet Union as the base of the factory. The city is also situated on the northern side of china, which is also near Russia. The company continued with its operations by also producing passenger cars in 1958. The company produces luxury vehicles that have gained popularity in the country. Due to a lot of fragmentation, the company has entered into ventures with other companies such as Volkswagen. The company has also moved to acquire Tianjin Automotive Xiali in September 2002. In 2009, the company entered a joint venture with Toyota and General Motors companies (Hu, 2006). China’s development concerning automotive is high i.e. recent statistics showed that every 1000 Chinese owned an average of 1.5 car units that is over the global average. Other governmental statistics also showed that almost 32% of the Chinese urban population intends to purchase cars in the next 5 years. Introduction The auto industry that is an important sector in China’s modernization and industrialization endeavors has been growing very fast since the 1990s. In the present past years, China has become the world’s greatest automotive manufacturers, with yearly production output of 18 million units in 2011. It is also currently the largest automotive market in the

Prayer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Prayer - Research Paper Example One of the greatest differences is on repentance and recognition of sin. Taoism does not acknowledge the need for redemption or salvation in prayer. In Christianity, redemption or salvation plays a very crucial role in washing away of one’s evil deeds, therefore making one clean and holy before Christ. According to Taoism ‘God’ is just a force that people need to harmonize themselves with, instead of salvation or redemption and worshiping God that Christians believe in. Taoism also believes that there are no personal relations between them and ‘Tao’, their God, while Christians believes that when it comes to prayer there actually exists personal relationship between them and Christ. Christians can pray to their heavenly father, the creator of earth and universe, and Christ-the son of God directly with the belief and faith that their prayers would be heard and answered. On the contrary, Taoists does not pray directly to their ‘God’ nor do they develop any attachment with ‘God’. Taoists rather believe in meditation which is a process of sitting upright quietly in the position of a baby reciting sacred words aimed at restoration of harmony within oneself and spiritual nourishment (Rorty, Richard, and Gianni 68). Taoism also beliefs that values and morality are influenced by nature’s rewards and punishment while Christianity believes in God who determines what is right, wrong and moral values that are punishable and rewarded by God only. According to Christianity God is the most supreme judge to all evils, wrongs and righteousness therefore no Christian should judge the other. Taoism on the other hand, proclaims that there is no moral distinction between right and wrong and which judges no one (Hu, Hsiao, and William 42). Proclamation of Christianity profess that Christ died for died for their sins and justification according to Roman 4:25, and eternal life is given to those who trust in him as savior according to John 1:12. In addition, John

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Quantitative demand Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Quantitative demand - Research Paper Example If the price of cigarettes increases, not only will the quantity of the cigarettes fall but simultaneously it may also affect other commodities. The aspect of income elasticity will also be incorporated here, which will show us whether income and demand for cigarettes move together or not. Lately the world economy has been more concerned about the harmful effects of smoking. Though, from time immemorial, people are trying to resort to drugs or other narcotics, this gives them a tranquilizing effect in their minds. One of the most common intoxicants is a cigarette, which serves as the escape route from their harsh realities of life. In the recent times, smoking has taken the shape of an epidemic, which is affecting not only people’s minds but also their lives. Many steps have been taken, such as campaigns showing how smoking is injurious to heath or health programs to restrict the usage of cigarettes per day. In spite of this, people are reckless to quit smoking, as they find no perfect substitutes of it. In regard to this the governments of all the countries are starting a new tax regime especially US government. This consists of an increase in the price level of cigarettes by the imposition of proportional tax or a lump sum tax. By proportional tax structure, a particular rate of tax is imposed on price of cigarettes. In respect to the US governments the tax structure usually takes the form of excise or sales tax. Here, a fixed rate of cents is imposed on the price of cigarettes. Let the tax rate‘t’ be imposed on the price of cigarettes, ‘p’, the new price is now ‘p (1+t)’. According to the law of demand, the price and demand of a normal good are negatively related. Here, cigarette is a normal good since with the fall in price, smoking becomes more attractive and popular among the individuals. The following diagram shows the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Prayer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Prayer - Research Paper Example One of the greatest differences is on repentance and recognition of sin. Taoism does not acknowledge the need for redemption or salvation in prayer. In Christianity, redemption or salvation plays a very crucial role in washing away of one’s evil deeds, therefore making one clean and holy before Christ. According to Taoism ‘God’ is just a force that people need to harmonize themselves with, instead of salvation or redemption and worshiping God that Christians believe in. Taoism also believes that there are no personal relations between them and ‘Tao’, their God, while Christians believes that when it comes to prayer there actually exists personal relationship between them and Christ. Christians can pray to their heavenly father, the creator of earth and universe, and Christ-the son of God directly with the belief and faith that their prayers would be heard and answered. On the contrary, Taoists does not pray directly to their ‘God’ nor do they develop any attachment with ‘God’. Taoists rather believe in meditation which is a process of sitting upright quietly in the position of a baby reciting sacred words aimed at restoration of harmony within oneself and spiritual nourishment (Rorty, Richard, and Gianni 68). Taoism also beliefs that values and morality are influenced by nature’s rewards and punishment while Christianity believes in God who determines what is right, wrong and moral values that are punishable and rewarded by God only. According to Christianity God is the most supreme judge to all evils, wrongs and righteousness therefore no Christian should judge the other. Taoism on the other hand, proclaims that there is no moral distinction between right and wrong and which judges no one (Hu, Hsiao, and William 42). Proclamation of Christianity profess that Christ died for died for their sins and justification according to Roman 4:25, and eternal life is given to those who trust in him as savior according to John 1:12. In addition, John

A Personal Statement to Acquire Doctorate Degree in Pharmacy Essay Example for Free

A Personal Statement to Acquire Doctorate Degree in Pharmacy Essay Right from my childhood, I have always been passionate to attain my laid goals as well as preparing for challenges that may come forth as I tread the path of life with diligence. In pursuit of these goals, I do have an aura of inner heaviness that spurs me to embark on improvement program or any other initiatives found necessary to champion the goal. Regardless of any difficulties, hardships, discouragement, or intimidation, I have got good motivation for success in life. With my inherent quality of excellence, I have chosen to further education to bag a doctorate degree in Pharmacy. I have fervent enthusiasm to know how man responds to similar drugs prescription with variation. I remember once pondering extensively in my mind on this issue especially while some drugs choose to produce an allergic reaction in certain individuals but do not in others. For example, some patients react to penicillin containing antibiotics like amoxicillin. A visionless individual may find it difficult to find focus amidst opportunities and available options of courses; this was not my case as I opted for pharmacy. I believe only this can harmonize both my short term and long term goals. Ever since I had my preliminary studies, the fascinating experience was enough to always make any visionary individuals rush back for more training in other to have it all. I found the college of Pharmacy as the richest source of joy that can deliver my vision for the future. I can also substantiate my special interest in Pharmacy as a career because of my love for medicine or clinical practices, a noble profession. Far back in college, I offered Organic Chemistry and Microbiology. The courses gave me introductory science on which pharmacology of drug-to-drug interactions are based. I took those courses with great interest, paying detail attention as if I knew I would this day be yearning for more. Moreover, learning what underlines the exact principle on how and why chemicals combination react in stochiometry of biochemical reactions are intriguing. The microbiological basis of body pathogens showing inhibiting sensitivity to antimicrobial therapies was equally interesting to me. In my academic background, I also learned about how experts have researched to use medicines and technology to counteract dangerous invasive and non-invasive effects of pathogens. The fact that there still exist several questions and problems around virulent pathogens has also aroused my interest as this still leaves some room for further studies and discoveries. Today, technology has become a big influential in invariably all fields, especially in the field of medical diagnosis. Being an Information Technology specialist at the University of Oklahoma, I can professionally operate on pieces of equipment with high technological competency. I am strongly convinced that this expatriate input is still required to buttress the progress of Pharmaceutical practices in the world. I am envisioning a long term goal of being able to assist the community as a pharmacist in drug prescriptions as well as enlightening them on do’s and don’ts of medication (indications and contraindications) to safe more lives and prevent drug complications resulting from ignorance or abuse. Why the pursuit of Doctorate Degree in Pharmacy? Taking a doctorate degree in pharmacy would provide me a perfect platform to stand tall with an edge over the non-professionally trained practitioners. Reason being that the training would erase any ignorance in me when I shall be on the field fulfilling my vision in life. In summary, interaction with people has always been a very joyful experience for me. I have always had educative discussions with pharmacists at retail stores and hospitals. I personally have a preference to question pharmacist occasionally when there is a choice between pharmacy and a physician concerning any medical issue bordering my mind. However, in the abundance of different available options and seas of opportunities, I consider it a self incurred injustice if I do not stand for Pharmacy as a choice of career in accomplishing my immediate goal. With the absence of doubt, abundance of witnesses by unwavering convictions in me, I strongly believe a career out of pharmacy is a misplacement of priority. For the love of my society and the hope of helpless people who await my pharmaceutical cares in the nearest future, I love pharmacy with passion!

Monday, October 14, 2019

Process of natural and sexual selection

Process of natural and sexual selection Explain, with examples, how the process of natural selection and sexual selection are thought to have contributed to modern-day behaviour.â€Å"Evolution: The gradual process by which species develop from earlier forms† (Clegg, 2007, p 107). For thousands of years lay people have argued about how the world has evolved. For example, did it evolve from god or some other supernatural source? Evolution is a miraculous process and refers to the fabrication and development of life on earth and establishes the formation of modern man. The two major processes of evolution will be explained in this essay: natural selection and sexual selection. Furthermore, examining how and why these processes have contributed to modern- day human behaviour. In 1858, British naturalist Charles R. Darwin finished his theory of evolution, also known as Darwins theory. Darwins theory states that all species evolved from either many or few common ancestors or descendants under circumstances of natural selection. A species is a population of organisms that reproduce and have offspring that have modifications from the species that lived before them. Natural selection is a process that is based on three assumptions. Firstly, organisms, â€Å"physical and behavioural characteristics which enable survival (and the genes which code for these) are passed onto descendants† (Clegg, 2007, p 121). Secondly, the modification is then acquired through the genes. Furthermore, thirdly the limitation of food for each species, competition is formed in which all livings beings must compete for the supply of food, water, space, and other resources. Individual plants and animals whose adaptations of suited best for a certain environment tend to have an advantage in the competition for survival. Species with this advantage tend to leave a larger number of offspring than the less fortunate species. As a result, the species that is best adapted to its environment increases from generation to generation. Organisms struggle for the necessities of life if there is competition for resources. The species that is best adapted to survive will succeed and others become extinct. The term â€Å"fitness† (Clegg, 2007, p 121)refers to certain characteristics being successful within their environment and being passed down to each generation, but the conditions for the reproduction must be correct. It is measured by reproductive success. Adaption is the result of the process of natural selection. Adaptions are the behaviours that have been acquired through evolutionary processes to ensure their survival in this generation and to every generation after them. Inherited characteristics of an organism also occur through adaption. Individual human behaviour is genetically predisposed or influenced by environmental factors such as personal experiences and culture. Adaption has contributed to many modern day behaviours. For example, in western society humans, â€Å"have pleasure in eating sweet and fatty foods† (Clegg, 2007, p 123). These types of food are often high in calories and often undigested sugar turns to fat when not exercising. In the generations before the behaviour of modern society, these types of food would enable the fittest to survive. Hereditary traits cause some people to behave and respond differently from one another. For example, and individual who has high temperament. This trait of being high tempered is very difficult to remove from a persons behaviour since this is already incorporated in the genes from conception. A person who has a high and fast learning ability could respond immediately to situations and instructions, hence attainment of the goal is made easy. Baron-Cohen argued that, â€Å"Theory of mind, is of central importance of modern human behaviour† (as cited in Clegg, 2007, p 133). It involves the ability to understand the thoughts and intentions of others. Theory of mind is innate, something that has evolved in humans. In children with autism, they lack theory of mind empirical investigations such as the Maxi test prove this (Clegg, 2007, p 136). Autism is a quite recent discovery. It is argued that genetic mutations are responsible for this (Rudy, 2009) although mutations serve no purpose in evolution. However, if it were to be advantageous to modern day human behaviour and the evolution of mankind more cases will be discovered and autism will evolve. Sexual Selection is a theory proposed by Charles Darwin. Darwin felt natural selection alone was unable to explain the non-competitive adaptions, for example the tail of a peacock (Wikipedia, 2007). The mechanism attempts to explain that certain evolutionary traits can be explained by inherited behavioural and psychsical charecteristics. There are two contests known as intrasexual and intersexual selection. Intrasexual selection involves males passing on competitveness through there genes, for example large antlers. Wheras, intersexual selection involves either sex choosing a partner that has a inherited charactersitc for example intelligence. The beard of the modern day male is a result of sexual selection. Other differences in the modern day man include different races. Sexual selection would account for thease because natural selection could not account for this (Wikipedia, 2007). Parental investmet is a term that was originated by Trivers (Clegg, 2007). It means that the male or female that invests the most in their offspring to ensure their survival. Trivers argued that the sex that invests the most in their offspring will be more selective when choosing their partner. Males tend to be with many females where as females look for quality when choosing a partner. Buss argues that this theory has contributed to modern day behaviour today. For exmple, women who prefer rich men and have a good job and career can provide excellent investment for their offspring. On the other hand men prefer beautiful young women who are the best investment for their offspring (Dubuc, 2007). The brain, is an important factor in sexual slection. The social brain hypothesis argues that in order to solve difficualt social problems the brain gets bigger (Clegg, 2007). The modern day human brain is bigger than that of the prehistoric ape, 3 times bigger, suggesting that there are advantages to having a bigger brain (Clegg, 2007). Evolutionary adaption suggests that humans have evolved the way they have and, humans brains have evolved to be bigger than their ancestors because of the need to deal with more complex social situations and complex societies. In conclusion, natural selection tends to focus on the degree of adaption and mutation for survival. Whereas sexual selection is more concerned with the mate choice and how sexually desired traits have in fact speeded up the process of how humans have evolved. Both processes have contributed to modern day behaviour and both processes prove Darwins phrase that â€Å"only the fittest survive†. References Clegg, H. (2007). Evolutionary Psychology. In D. Miell, A. Pheonix, K. Thomas (Eds.), Mapping Psychology (2nd ed., pp.105-166). Milton Keynes: The Open University. Dubuc, B. (2002) Tool Module: Sexual Selection and the Theory of Parental Investment Retrieved November 1st 2009 from Rudy, L. J. (2009). Genetic autism and spontaneous mutation. Retrieved November 8th 2009 from Wikipedia (2007) Sexual Selection. Retrieved November 1st 2009 from

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Lucy montgomery :: essays research papers

Lucy Maud Mntgomery The author of the famous Canadian novel ‘ ANNE OF GREEN GABLES’, Lucy Maud Montgomery was born in Clifton (now New London), Prince Edward Island, 30th November, 1874. When she was two, her mother died of tuberculosis. Her father, who was a merchant, remarried, and moved away. Montgomery was raised by her maternal grandparents in Cavendish. The place was isolated and her childhood was not particularly happy: she grew up in an atmosphere of strict discipline and punishment for the slightest reason. She joined her father briefly in Prince Albert, but they soon returned to Prince Edward Island. At an early age Montgomery read widely. She started to write in school and had her first poem published in a local paper at the age of fifteen. In 1895 Montgomery qualified for a teacher’s license at Prince Wales College, Charlottetown. During the 1890’s she worked as a teacher in Bideford and at Lower Bedeque, both on Prince Edward Island. From 1895 to 1896, Montgomery studied literature at Dalhousie University, Halifax. She returned to Cavendish to take care of her grandmother and worked at a local post office. On July 5th, 1911after her grandmother died, Montgomery married the Reverend Ewan MacDonald, to whom she had been secretly engaged since 1906. Prior to her engagement to Macdonald, she had two romantic involvements: an unhappy engagement to her third cousin Edwin Simpson, of Belmont, and a brief but passionate romantic attachment to Herman Leard, of Lower Bedeque. After their marriage, Montgomery and Macdonald moved to Leaskdale, Ontario, where Macdonald was Minister in the Presbyterian Church. She bore three sons, Chester (1912), Hugh (stillborn in 1914), and Stuart (1915). She assisted her husband in his pastoral duties, ran their home, and continued to write best-selling novels as well as short stories and poems. She faithfully recorded entries in her journals and kept up an enormous correspondence with frie nds, family and fans. Maud Montgomery Macdonald did not live on Prince Edward Island again, returning only for vacations. While caring for her grandmother, she wrote the first book of the Anne series. It drew on her girlhood experiences. The idea was based on a notebook entry from 1904, â€Å"Elderly couple applies to orphan asylum for a boy. By mistake a girl is sent to them.† Anne of Green Gables was the story of a talkative, red-haired orphan, Anne Shirley. She had big green-grey eyes and a narrow, freckled face. Lucy montgomery :: essays research papers Lucy Maud Mntgomery The author of the famous Canadian novel ‘ ANNE OF GREEN GABLES’, Lucy Maud Montgomery was born in Clifton (now New London), Prince Edward Island, 30th November, 1874. When she was two, her mother died of tuberculosis. Her father, who was a merchant, remarried, and moved away. Montgomery was raised by her maternal grandparents in Cavendish. The place was isolated and her childhood was not particularly happy: she grew up in an atmosphere of strict discipline and punishment for the slightest reason. She joined her father briefly in Prince Albert, but they soon returned to Prince Edward Island. At an early age Montgomery read widely. She started to write in school and had her first poem published in a local paper at the age of fifteen. In 1895 Montgomery qualified for a teacher’s license at Prince Wales College, Charlottetown. During the 1890’s she worked as a teacher in Bideford and at Lower Bedeque, both on Prince Edward Island. From 1895 to 1896, Montgomery studied literature at Dalhousie University, Halifax. She returned to Cavendish to take care of her grandmother and worked at a local post office. On July 5th, 1911after her grandmother died, Montgomery married the Reverend Ewan MacDonald, to whom she had been secretly engaged since 1906. Prior to her engagement to Macdonald, she had two romantic involvements: an unhappy engagement to her third cousin Edwin Simpson, of Belmont, and a brief but passionate romantic attachment to Herman Leard, of Lower Bedeque. After their marriage, Montgomery and Macdonald moved to Leaskdale, Ontario, where Macdonald was Minister in the Presbyterian Church. She bore three sons, Chester (1912), Hugh (stillborn in 1914), and Stuart (1915). She assisted her husband in his pastoral duties, ran their home, and continued to write best-selling novels as well as short stories and poems. She faithfully recorded entries in her journals and kept up an enormous correspondence with frie nds, family and fans. Maud Montgomery Macdonald did not live on Prince Edward Island again, returning only for vacations. While caring for her grandmother, she wrote the first book of the Anne series. It drew on her girlhood experiences. The idea was based on a notebook entry from 1904, â€Å"Elderly couple applies to orphan asylum for a boy. By mistake a girl is sent to them.† Anne of Green Gables was the story of a talkative, red-haired orphan, Anne Shirley. She had big green-grey eyes and a narrow, freckled face.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Summary of Middlemarch Essay -- essays research papers

After their parents die, Celia and Dorothea Brooke go to live with their uncle Mr. Brooke at Tipton Grange in Middlemarch, a small town in the English countryside. Dorothea, the beautiful, clever sister, immediately attracts the attention of Sir James Chettam, but with her always present desire to be useful, Dorothea has eyes only for the older, scholarly Mr. Casaubon. Against the desires of many in the Middlemarch community, Dorothea and Casaubon are married. In the meantime, the lives of another pair of would-be lovers becomes quite complicated. Fred Vincy, by nature a somewhat wild and undisciplined young man, finds himself in debt. He has accepted credit from unreliable sources and must find a way to repay the debt, if he does not, the father of Mary Garth, Fred's only true love, must pay the debt for him. Fred's only hope is that his old, dying uncle Peter Featherstone will leave him money in his will. When Featherstone dies, he leaves two wills. The first promises a large sum of money to Fred, but the second and more recent will leaves the entire estate to Mr. Joshua Rigg, Peter Featherstone's son, thus effectively crushing Fred's expectations. As a result of the disappointment, Fred becomes violently ill. The Vincys call in young Dr. Lydgate, a doctor who hopes to reform medical practices in England. In the process of attending to Fred, Lydgate finds himself captivated by Rosamond Vincy, Fred's sister. On their honeymoon in Rome, the newly married Casaubons find things not to be as happy as they had expected. Mr. Casaubon spends his time doing research for his book The Key to All Mythologies, Dorothea, who desperately wants to help him in his scholarly pursuits, finds herself shut out from his work. One afternoon as she... ...e support of a wealthy widow is another step towards restoring Lydgate's name. Dorothea also visits Rosamond, convincing her that Lydgate loves her and that the two of them should be happy together. In the process, though, Dorothea realizes her own love for Will Ladislaw. Much to the dismay of Sir James Chettam and others, Dorothea renounces her fortune and marries Will. The novel ends with a vision of the futures of the different characters. Rosamond and Lydgate build a marriage and a medical practice, their lives are generally happy though not without occasional problems. Fred Vincy and Mary Garth are married and live happily as hard working tenants at Stone Court, the land that Fred had once hoped to inherit from his uncle Featherstone. Dorothea and Will Ladislaw move to London where they build a happy family and Dorothea continues to look for ways to be useful.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Literature Review on Marriage

In the study of literature it is very important that you know exactly what you are reading and that you completely understand the meaning behind the stories, poems, or plays. When reading the stories you must fully be able to apply many different analogical structures and also different literature theories to them. When reading the stories about lovers and marriage that are going to be listed in my final paper here, you can truly see how they give many great examples of all the things you need to make literature studies work. In choosing the following stories I have decided that they are the closest things related to my personal life. The Story of an Hour†, â€Å"The Necklace†, and â€Å"The Proposal†. I do believe that these are wonderful works of literature and that they can be fully understood and just work with any person that is open to reading different literature pieces. I do believe that if you are willing to sit down and take the time to read these storie s that you will see just how wonderful life with someone can truly be. The way that you need to approach literature is as followed,† The first objection might take this form, in which the reader is imagined to think that this study has not gone far enough.Such readers will have agreed that the theories of literature offered (implicitly or explicitly) by the institutionalist critics discussed above are inadequate in differing but central aspects. They will agree that the dialogue which takes place between the work and its writer and readers as it develops is as important as that which takes place between the work and its origins in philosophical, psychological, and historical causation. They will agree, in short, that works of literature are capable of resisting and transforming institutional contamination as well as succumbing to it. Cited Lansdown, R. Autonomy of Literature : Institutionalism and Its Discontents. (2001) I think that the above is a great way to start when you are beginning to approach literature rather reading it or studying it as well. I believe that it is also important to really do the following as well. When you are reading â€Å"The Story of An Hour† you need to be able to understand that you are reading a story about a woman who experiences a lot of different emotions and experiences a great life trauma.Once you are capable of understanding this reading then you will be able to understand that this is a strong story about trying to understand the great things that can change your life in a few moments on any given day. When I was reading this story, I did find myself being able to relate to it. That may be because I have a heart condition my own self and it was easier to understand that meaning in the story line. For myself in reading this I found that I was using the reader response. I have always been the type of person that has tried to read a story and express my emotions to it by trying to understand and relate to what I am reading.You have to try to use a reader response whenever you are reading a new story or poem. You need to be able to understand the meanings in a story in order to fully either appreciate it or feel nothing towards the story or poem. I however can not see how you would get no feeling what so ever from reading â€Å"The Story of An Hour†, because it is very emotional, heartfelt, and warm. When reading the story you can see how the story is unfolding and leading up to a wonderful ending, even if it very sad at the end as well. When reading any story though you need to be aware of how you can understand any type of story.This is a story that is going to involve you needing to use many different resources in order to fully understand that the writer is trying to use a great expression as to how the lady died in the aftermath of her husband was also found to be dead from a railroad accident. According to the story here you can understand just how the lady probably felt as sh e was leading up to her own death, while her sister and her husband’s friend were waiting outside the door for her to calm down from receiving bad news on her husband.As far as being able to relate this story to what the author wrote the story about, you can truly see that she was also a heartfelt woman who probably did miss her husband deeply after he died, and had wished that she could have died with him, instead of having to continue on with her life as well. You can understand from the reading that you are going to need to understand a little bit about the author’s life in general to truly enjoy the story for what it is about. If you are going to read a story like this then you are going to want to use the reader-response, formalist, or biographical/ historical approach.The two that make this story easy for me to use and understand has been the reader-response that I have tried to describe in the upper half of the paper. Also the formalist approach works well for m e in this paper because the plot to the story is very memorable and stands out very well. It is very suprising to see that you are reading about a woman finding out that her husband was involved in a railroad accident, yet also turns out that she doesn’t live through the news about him as well either even though he was supposed to not be dead in the end.The language the author used to write this story keeps you involved in reading it to the end because of how she is about describing the setting of the lady’s death within the moments leading up to her last breathe. You can understand everything clearly and nothing is expressed in the writing that turns you off from it. You can relate to the characters very easily and see yourself as being one of them in the story line. The point of view is very well wrote out in the first person from what I can understand and believe as the lady is the one describing how she could feel all this things happening to her from the way that she felt them.Overall this is a very wrote out story and you can also use the biographical/historical approach because of the author having lost her husband at a young age as well. You can see how all of that would affect her and make her not want to continue on with her life raising her children alone as well. In reading the necklace you can also see how the husband really loved his wife and would do anything for her. As he was not a rich man but knew of how she longed to go out and feel the life style of the rich.I know that the husband in the story was all about making sure that his wife was able to go out and enjoy herself at a very high price. You can see how the woman in the story is wanting to make sure she has the proper dress and jewelry to wear on the night of the big party. It is about being able to love the life that you are leading and know that no one can make you feel like you do not deserve happiness either. You have to just be thankful for all that you are given and not wish for more because things can always get worse than they are.The Necklace is about being able to understand this from a third person setting. The narrator is the person telling the story from his point of view here and you can see that this is a wonderful way to get to read this because then you can understand how the wife and the husband feel about the wife losing the necklace. It is always important that you be able to see the two sides to a story like this because then you can understand how the man is feeling about having to give up his money for his wife to be able to go out and enjoy herself like she always wants.Then on the other side you can see how the woman must feel about the dress, necklace, and about losing a not so expensive piece of jewelry as well. As well as this is a story about being able to use a reader approach to be able to understand that this story is going to make you feel a certain way in the end. It is important for me to say that I used the reader approach because of the fact that I feel like I really could relate to the lady in the story as well. I want to always know what it would feel like to be a rich woman for just a short time but I do understand that it could not turn out as well as I would like it to either.It is about the story catching your heart and making it break for the couple within it. You want to be able to help this lady who believes that it was important to feel wonderful for just a few hours when finding out that she is responsible for losing what she believes is an important expensive piece of jewelry that she was allowed to borrow. You are wanting to be able to help this woman and man earn the money to pay for the necklace so that they can return to being able to enjoy life’s simply things.In the story of â€Å"The Necklace† it is a story that is based more so on characters and the setting that they are trying to become involved in as well. You want to be able to understand how important t he setting is because it is what makes the lady want to be able to experience being rich and famous almost. It is the very thing that has made her poor husband work so hard for just so that he can make sure she gets to go out and enjoy herself in the setting that she has always belonged to in her mind. It is also about being able to see that the husband is very caring and loves his wife deeply.He is willing to have to work all these long hard years just to help her replace a piece of jewelry that gave her the one night that she has always wanted. You can also see how it is very important that you know that the plot of the story is about the necklace but also the lessons that you can learn from wanting more than you have. It is a big thing for the plot to be about the party because it is what makes the lady so desperate to be a part of and want to borrow what she believes is a very rich piece of jewelry.I do believe that you need to understand that the necklace is just a prop in the story line about the lady that is going to end up having to spend all of their extra money that they earn in order to replace this item that she has borrowed from her friend. No matter rather you can understand that the necklace is just a piece of jewelry for her to wear that makes her feel important or not you can also see how it is important for the lady to learn that not everything is what it appears to be in life either. This is a big lesson that many people need to be able to nderstand so that they will learn to be happy and not take things for granted like she did within this piece of literature. In the story that is called,†The Proposal† you can see how this is a play about the proposal of marriage to a woman who is just not fully accepting of the man wanting to marry her at first. It is very odd that the lady would want to argue over who owns what land and who does not. However at the same time the lady is madly in love with the man that is wanting to marry her b ut yet she is really not wanting to agree with him that he owns more land than her family does.It is just funny to read about how the two people begin to feel ill over the argument about the land that their families own once they realize how much they love each other and want to be together no matter what happens. This is a story about a man and woman loving each other and not wanting to set for just anyone or anything. This is going to be considered a first person themed story because of it being a play and the characters having to act out their own parts without a person to read the story lines to you from their point of view.You can really see how the play is going to express lots of different emotions and show you that things in life are not as important as the people that you love and care about deeply. It is really about the people that you are willing to learn to let things go for and not be worry about what happens in the end of life. You need to be able to see that this is a story about the setting which is apparently on a bunch of land in the woods, so most people would probably consider it to be a country style home.The country style home is the setting in which the man comes to ask the lady for her hand in marriage but must first talk to her father about doing so. In the story you can see how it is important that the man sit and talk to the girl’s father before he talks to her so that you can see how nervous and anxious he really is about asking her to marry him. The father in the story also ends up being the one that lets his daughter know just why the young man is there and arguing with her so much over a piece of land.You can also see how this story is again about the characters that are playing in it. You need to have these characters laid out for you to be able to understand this because of the fact that it is a play. You are going to want to understand that the young man is a very rich land owner and the older man in the story is the f ather to the young lady. The lady is also the one that is going to end up engaged in the end and the one who is arguing very much so over a piece of land that she feels is close to her heart.Overall though it is again about being able to see that the people in a story can make it or break it for most people who are reading and studying literature. You need to be able to feel connected to the stories in many ways and need to be able to understand that the characters are very important pieces to reading literature. You want to feel like you are sitting in the same room as the story is being told or played out in front of you. You want there to be a meaning behind the literature that you are reading or taking in, as to this is what makes literature grand.